Using The Big Boogle Popper to Mimic The Pop-R

The size 4 Boogle Bug is a big popping bug, which in reality mimics a Pop-R bait casting lure. The Pop-R is a go to lure on the bass tournament circuit for a lot of the bass fisherman, who want to land large bass on the surface.

 Tuesday morning on Smith I use the size 4 Boogle Bug as a Pop-R. To mimic the Pop-R one needs to use short jerks and a pause with the big Boogle Bug. On the pause is when the hits occur. I have seldom hooked a bass moving the Boogle Bug.

I have had some problems casting this size popper with a regular 6 weight fly line, so I spooled my 5/6 Redington Drift reel with the Scientific Anglers SeriesBass Bug fly line which turns over the big bugs with ease even in windy conditions.
The result of the pause when this nice spot nailed the olive green red eye Boogle Bug setting motionless. My 6 weight 9 ft. got quite a workout matching muscle with this fighting spot. This fish knows no boundaries when it comes to freeing itself from a hook popper.

This spot killed the popper right at daylight, in fact I could barely see the bug, but I could hear the explosion on the surface. Daylight is my favorite time to fish any surface popper; it seems to bring out the ugly in the spots on Smith. After the sun peaked over the horizon it was all over for the top action and time to head home. I hope I get a chance to challenge the big bluegills again next week.

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