Summon Night: Swordcraft Story (Part 6)

Just goes poking around the shore for bodies, does he? That's an odd hobby. Ah well, Razzy runs off in her usual fashion and we are left alone. Ah, well. Let's go take care of our usual business. Strangely, if you stop by your character's house you'll find that Amariss isn't there.

First, go to the house out on the water between the Silver Guild and Central Tower. Talk to the man who lives there with only swords equipped (just one is fine) and you will get your first Technique. Up on Wystern's middle level, talk to the guy on the east side standing out on a metal beam and say you trust him to receive a Deep Sea Ore. Go back to the central tower now and head down into the labyrinth. Go to where we fought Heavy Metal. Just a reminder: on the 12th floor, take the door on the west side, not to the north.

Down on the 25th floor there is a room with three chests that contain two Klotzen Potions and a Small Generator. The 26th floor has a teleporter, and a hidden room in the northwest corner has another Klotzen Potion. Other than this there's nothing interesting here for us at the moment, so exit the labyrinth and go to the port.

I'm sorry mother, if you want a new boyfriend you're going to have to carry him home yourself.

After some dialogue, set out to see Bron who will give you the Boat Key and today's Sword Technique. I suggest forging it twice and adding some Mystic Ore to it the second time to get the Flare Blade. Then go back to Bron and get the spear technique, and forge this into a Murder Pole. You need to give this to the spear-loving craftknight on Wystern's middle level to get the day's second Technique but I suggest putting that off until after we come back from our adventure on the sea.

Speaking of which, go to the port and get on the boat. Enter the cabin at the ship's south end. Note that the downstairs area has a forge, bed, and save point, as well as a green book from which you can learn the rest of the day's techniques once you have forged your current one. When you're ready inspect the wheel upstairs.

Naturally you will be tossed into a boss battle right away.

This boss is pretty darn simple. If you have a spear, you can attack its head with the vertical attack (hold down and press A) and if you have the Flame Sword I recommended to you, you can just jump in, attack, and jump away. For its first attack it will spin its arms around and move back and forth, just keep your distance to avoid it. For its second attack it will slam one of its fins down in front of it and bring up a wall of water, again just jump back to avoid it. For its third attack it will fly down from the top corners of the screen at high speed, but it only used this when I dashed away and it just seems to attack around the same spot meaning, again, you can dodge it just by running the opposite way.

When you are done you will get the Large Fishhook and you will land on an island. Go north to exit the first screen.

There are some Deigleyan Soldiers here, and they have a strong case of Rpg Guard Syndrome. I guess we'll have to be careful about how we enter the village. Note that there's a cave to the east - stay away from here. If you follow it to the other side you will skip the whole dungeon and go straight to the boss, meaning you will miss out on all the items and probably get all your weapons broken during the battle if they don't have max tech - the boss is incredibly tough.

Instead go southwest and north along the left edge of the screen to find Varil and a girl, who apparently lives in the village here. Climb the steps behind the girl and follow the dark path around to a house to the east. Enter and you will automatically speak to the man here who tells you that the entrance to the cave is located behind his house. Excellent. Enter the cave and climb the ladder up.

Go directly left from the well you emerge from and enter the cave here. You will be in Marine Dungeon B1F. Note that the barrels here produce items much more frequently than those in the labyrinth (at least it seems that way to me) so feel free to exit and re-enter a bunch of times to stock up a bit. On the west side of this floor is a small pool of water, use your scooter to reach the chest on a small island here which contains a Klotzen Potion (naturally, what else would you expect?). Next, go south and hit the cracked piece of floor with your hammer. You must get the chest before you do this or you will miss out, one that part of the floor is gone the water from the pool will spill out. Go down to the second floor.

Use your water scooter to reach the section on the left and break some more barrels, then get the Klotzen Potion from the chest. Go over to the east and take the stairs down.

You will now have a choice of whether you want to personally save Sanary or Razzy (Varil will rescue the other one). Each one comes with a boss that is a palette swap of the Giant Serpent, but it doesn't really matter which of the two you go with.

Sanary's scene shows her dressed up in a frilly outfit and serving as a maid of sorts for the guards. She looks cute and all, but it's a bit disturbing. Depending on when you choose to jump in, you may even see her do a little fan dance. In the end the guards will faint due to the appearance of the Grudge Fish - apparently Sanary tried to cook it but didn't actually make sure it was dead first. You will get the Burnt Scale from it.

Razzy's scene is a little shorter but kind of heartwarming as well. You will jump right into the battle with the Evil Fish, and be rewarded with a Large Scale at the end.

Either way, everyone will meet up at the end but then run off leaving your character on their own. If you took the Sanary path, go down the ladder to reach Razzy's area, which has the stairs down to the next floor on the east side.

On the next floor go northwest and loop around to the south side of the screen and hit the cracked floor with your hammer to make water flow to the lower level - don't worry, no inconveniently placed treasure chests this time. Now go back to the northeast corner, save, and take the stairs down. On the next floor, go south and make sure use the healing tile, then take the stairs down. When you get to the next floor you will notice it looks a bit different. Make sure you have the Weapon Shield spell equipped to your summon beast, as well as Burst Flare (which they should know by now unless you have Sugar). When you step off into the water, ignore the middle platform at first and go to the northwest corner to get the Black Boots from a chest. 

Time for the boss!

King Crabber requires more strategy than most of the other bosses so far. Cast Weapon Shield right away and also Enchant Flame if you have it (if you don't, anything other than Enchant Aqua will be useful).

First, if he lowers one of his antenna move to the other side of the screen.
If he lowers both of his antenna stay in the center.
If he lowers one and then the other move to the side that he lowered second.
If bubbles start coming up from below you, move to either side of the screen.
If his antenna glow green move to either side of the screen.

It's probably going to be a long battle, so keep an eye on your health and your weapon durability. Once you've got Weapon Shield + enchant in effect, stand in the middle and attack his antenna (except when you have to move out of the way to avoid attacks of course). I find that the spear's spin attack (up+attack at the same time) works well for this, but the drill spin and sword are probably also good choices. When one weapon is about to break switch to another, but if you're a decent level and your weapons have decent tech scores you really shouldn't have that much problem.

When you are done you will acquire the Spiral Ring.

Farm for items some more if you want, because after you talk to the mayor again you won't ever be able to return to this island. There are some shops in town - the item shop doesn't sell anything we can't get in Wystern and the weapon shop will just buy some of your weapons. Go to the house in the northeast corner of the island and choose to "wait here" and watch the scene. You will receive the Eastern Sword and then return to Wystern automatically.

When you get back, don't forget to go to the middle level and trade in your Murder Pole for the day's second Technique. Also talk to the old woman in the house west of here and pick the first option to set up an event for the next day.

Talk to Bron (optional) and then Amariss to deliver the Eastern Sword, and then the day will end. Things are getting kind of serious now! And it looks like at least one of the Craftlords is in on the whole Deigleyan scheme.. hmm...

Continue to day 7 for more drama and funstuff!

Pratty Level: 34 (110 Atk, 93 Def, 59 Agl)
Rasho Level: 31
Techniques: 66

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