Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls (Part 4)

This town is very small, so you won't have any difficulty locating any of the shops. The inn is 200 Gil, by the way.
Item Shop
Potion - 40 Gil
Hi-Potion - 150 Gil
Ether - 150 Gil
Phoenix Down - 500 Gil
Tent - 160 Gil
Armor Shop
Mythril Mail - 6000 Gil
Mythril Shield - 2000 Gil
Buckler - 2000 Gil
Mythril Helm - 2000 Gil
Mythril Gloves - 2000 Gil
Weapon Shop
Mythril Knife - 640 Gil
Mythril Sword - 3200 Gil
Mythril Hammer - 2000 Gil
Mythril Axe - 3600 Gil
White Magic Shop
Stona - 13000 Gil
Exit - 13000 Gil
Protera - 13000 Gil
Invisira - 13000 Gil
Black Magic Shop
Thundaga - 13000 Gil
Death - 13000 Gil
Quake - 13000 Gil
Stun - 13000 Gil
I'd suggest leaving out Invisira - it seems very useful, but it's never helped me any great amount that I've ever noticed. You could also just get Stona for now and replace it with Exit later when you have more money to buy Gold Needles. For black magic, Thundaga is the only one I've ever got any use out of - again, Quake and Death are unreliable and you can wipe out mostly everything with the -ga level spells anyway.

With the canoe, we can now move all throughout the small light blue channels of water all around the world. To start, exit the village and return to your ship. Sail north to another port and land there. If you want, you can make a short trek northwest to Pravoka to stay at a much cheaper inn. Return to the port where you docked your ship and use the canoe to enter the river to the west.

First Floor
Head east, south, and west. Go down the stairs.
Second Floor
Head all the way south and west, and go down the stairs. In the next small room, just go up the stairs.

Simply head west, south, and then east and enter the room here. You'll find a couple treasure chests and another mysterious item surrounded by cracks in the floor. First, open the chest on the left from above for a Flame Sword. The chest on the right just has Clothes (guarded by Dark Wizards) - literally the worst armor in the game. Heavy sigh. Anyway, fall through any of the cracks to B3.
Third Floor
You will see a bunch of ice spikes all over the floor, but unfortunately you have to cross these to get anywhere. Over to the west is a room with two chests. The one on the right is guarded by a White Dragons (1 or 2) which have the very dangerous move Icestorm which will hit your whole party. Heal before taking them on - the treasure chests contain Mythril Gloves and Ice Armor. Exit the room and go back across the ice spikes.
Pass across the southern patch while sticking to the right-hand side, then continue south past the first split in the path. At the second, go left to a room with six more chests.These all contain Gil - 40784 Gil all together. Also, the space between the two chests on the right is guarded by some Winter Wolves which have a much less powerful version of Icestorm. Exit and return to the split, going right this time to the stairs.
First Floor (Part 2)
Enter the room here, and get the Ether in the chest below you, since it's unguarded and on your way. Exit the room and move to the eastern section of the floor. Go south and enter the room here - notice the crack on the floor, but avoid it for now. Open the three unguarded chests which contain 9500 Gil, a Sleeping Bag, and an Ice Shield, then step on the crack.
Move toward the gray object and you will be thrown into a battle.

HP: 162
P.Def: 30
M.Def: 92
Weakness: Quake
Resistance: None
Can you even call this a boss battle? This monster is a complete pushover. It knows Thundara (possibly other level 2 spells, I never got the chance to find out) but it shouldn't pose too big of a threat as long as you heal before the battle. The enemy will be dead in a couple turns.
When you're done, step on one of the cracks and make your way back to that eastern section of the first floor. This time take the stairs in the northeast corner to exit the cave. Return to your ship (I went and stayed at the inn in Pravoka again) and then sail back to the port which we accessed Crescent Lake from. Head west and enter the river south of Crescent Lake. Step out of the canoe to the west, where you will see a desert ringed by mountains. Enter the desert and you will automatically obtain the Airship.
What I love most about the airship is that there are no random encounters. Yay! If you access your map (B and Select) you will see a bunch of islands up on the northwest corner. We have some business here, but not quite yet.

Talk to the sage in the center of the room, he will give you some instructions and then disappear. Go to the northeast corner and enter the room here, then "sit upon the throne" as you were told. You will be teleported to a different section.

There is a pillar of light directly south of this room - ignore it. Take the left path south and you will find two more lights. Step into the one on the left (the lower of the two) and then take the staircase in the new room. Head north on the third floor and enter the room for a fixed encounter with Nightmare enemies. Get the Healing Staff on the right and then continue west. Open the chests here for a Ruby Armlet, Ice Brand, and Steel Gloves. Continue south and get the Cottage, 1455 Gil, and 7340 Gil. Continue east and open the last chest for a Rat's Tail. Before you step on the throne to exit however, you will be attacked.

HP: 268
P.Def: 30
M.Def: 135
Weakness: Fire, Dia
Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death
Again, it's hardly even a boss. Just cast Fira/ga and Diara on it and have someone equip the Flame Sword you got in the Ice Cavern. Simple stuff. Sit on the throne and exit the citadel, then run all the way back to your ship. Fly southwest to the chain of islands now.

With that, we are done this section! On we go to bigger and better things! (But not really)
Party Level: 21
Go to part 5 -->
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