Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls *Extras*

Hooray, time for the final bonus dungeon of the game! This is a long one, so be prepared. It is most easily accessible by landing your airship near the Ice Cave and using your canoe to travel northwest to the cave that holds this dungeon.

Before Tiamat: This is Whisperwind Cove. Our forebears entrusted many treasures to its depths. Now sealed for many ages, it is become a lonely place.

Statue: The statue resonates with the eerie howling of wind...

After: Tiamat's defeat in the Flying Fortress has shattered the seal on the cavern! She must have sealed it out of fear of our forbears' powers.

Recommended Level

Notable Floors

Cursed Castle
Defeat the soldiers in your way (Revenant enemies) and be sure to check the north rooms for treasure (left and right) and the Pharaoh and Dark Wizard enemies (middle).

Beaver Pens
Simply talk to the beavers and tell them which room to go to. Some move faster than others. Note that this floor does have random encounters.

Dwarven Caves
Each dwarf has a problem and you must bring each one a certain item to be given another in return. Note that the guy who just says "..." wants the Cat Whisker. When you're done you get another Star Ruby to give to the golem in the southeast corner who blocks the stairs.

Automaton Graveyard
You have to find two parts to repair the pink robot by inspecting the broken robots all over the map. Aftery you give the pieces to the grey robot, the stairs will appear.

Wizard's Village
Many people here will sell you weapons, spells, armor, or items. Stock up accordingly, and there's even an inn for you stay at (building with open door). When you're done, find a house with a closed door (the rest don't have doors at all) and enter.

The danger here comes from fairies who will completely drain your MP or just leave you with 1 HP. There are also ones who will heal you, but you won't know which is which until you talk to them. If you talk to all the ones who heal you and then have your HP or MP drained, you will be out of luck, as the good fairies will only heal you once each.

Spring of Departed Souls
You will have to re-fight Astos and the Vampire here, but their stats won't have increased at all. I highly doubt they will give you any problem at this point. Note you must talk to all the spirits here for the stairs to appear.

Children's Village
This floor is the biggest pain in the butt. A boy here is playing Hide and Seek and needs to locate one more child to win his game. I don't really care, personally, but the little jerk won't reveal the stairs to us until we track down that child. It will either be one with blue hair, black hair, or red hair - there is only one of each on this map. It's rather confusing, as you will have to enter building after building, teleporting all over the place, but I have tried to make a (very bare) guide to where each one leads.

The letters are supposed to show the buildings you can enter in general relation to each other. It's not great, and I apologize. If I have the time a bit later I will take screenshots of the actual buildings and put the letters on them. That honestly didn't occur to me until now and I've already gone through the dungeon three times.

TownThis town has the same general layout as Provoka (the roads are just moved around a bit and there are no people), complete with an Inn and Church so you can recover your party. The only building with a door that isn't the inn or church is the exit.

Simple Floors
Ice Cave x7
Flying Fortress x4
Cave x13
Volcano Floor x2
Overworld Map

Boss 1: Typhon


Typhon isn't much of a problem, for the most part. He/she/it does have an attack called "snort" which attempts to kill one character instantly, but everyone should have Protect Rings by now and you can also use NulDeath or a Lunar Curtain to raise your resistance. I find most of the characters have pretty good Death resistance anyway except for the Monk/Master. Just pound at him till he goes down (note: he is also weak to Ice)

Reward: Genji Helm

Boss 2: Orthros

Uwee hee hee! What have we here? I'm warning you, I'm armed... Eight-armed, that is! Uwee hee hee!

Orthros has a very high physical attack (makes sense I guess) so cast Protera on your party when the battle starts. Invisira may also be useful, though it didn't seem to do anything for me. Other than that just stick with the standard healing and attacking, he is also weak to Fire and Lightning.

Reward: Rune Staff

Boss 3: Phantom Train
I will usher you into the next world...

I dunno, maybe it's me but I find the Phantom Train to be the easiest of these bosses. Cast Protera to start out with to reduce the damage of its physical attack, and then have your healer focus on casting Healaga. As always, buff up your strongest physical attacker. It is weak against Fire but I found that using the Judgment Staff to cast Flare did more damage (and doesn't consume mp, so why not?) It should go down pretty quickly.

Reward:  Megalixir

Boss 4: Deathgaze

I didn't really find that I needed any particular strategy for this boss. I just used Protera and NulDeath on my first turn, then pumped up my fighters as usual and healed every turn. I had my Black Wizard use the Judgment Staff to cast Flare on every turn, and I didn't have much trouble. For winning you get not one, but two amazing swords (the second is in a chest after you warp to the final section where the exit teleporter is located).

Reward: Lightbringer

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