Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls *Extras*

We are going to pay a visit to the Lifespring Grotto this time around, located inside a whirlpool between Cornelia and Melmond. You need the ship to reach it (the airship won't work). Also, in my opinion the last bosses of this dungeon are the toughest in the entire game. I actually recommend putting this dungeon off until just before the final boss.

Before Kraken: Yipes! Peoples! Y-you aren't going to hurt me? Then maybe I can tell you a little about this place. This cavern is known as the Lifespring Grotto. Long ago, men and mermaids who fell in love could live here together in peace.

Statue: Fetid water seeps from the statue...

After: The water flowing from the grotto is pure once more. Who knows? Maybe someday I'llfall in love with a man and come to live here...

Recommended Level

Notable Floors

Flying Castle
This area just kind of seems to go on forever.White tiles will blink in and out of view and you will have to follow the paths they make (you may still stand/walk on them when they are not in view) and if you step off the path at any point you will return to the beginning. There are no enemy encounters here, but since there are dozens of paths which are constantly turning invisible, it can be rather frustrating.

Dark Bahamut's Den
All the red dragons found here are enemies, and when you speak to Bahamut he will give you a list of dragons of a few different colours and a certain number of them to be defeated. The problem is, there's no way to tell which is which and once you start a battle you can't run. The most dangerous dragon by far is the Holy Dragon, though the Black Dragon can also use the Kill spell. Heal often, and get out of this area as soon as possible.

Sunken City
Size: 1/5
Difficulty: 0/5
Simply paddle your canoe around collecting the treasure and then try entering all the buildings. One of them will take you to the next floor.

Dancer's Garden
Just move around the rooms, stepping on the warp tiles in the first two and then making your way to the stairs in the third. Done. As far as I know the first and second room are always the same, but there are two different version of the third.

Another floor with no random encounters, just a bunch of scholars who like to stand in your way.

Simple Floors
Ice Cave
Sunken Ruins x6
Castle x3
Flying Fortress

Boss 1: Gilgamesh (5F)
At long last! The ultimate sword... is... MINE! Now I can finally go home! Hey! Where did YOU come from? Oh, you mean you were looking for Excalibur, too? How rude of me. I mean, the four of you came all this way... Of course I'll let you have the sword. 
I'd say you've been hitting the oxyale a bit hard if you believed THAT. 

Gilgamesh is a heavy hitter for sure. I used Protera on my team right away and he was still hitting me for over 300 damage. I almost got wiped out because I forgot to heal before the battle (don't do that) and even lost my White Wizard, but my Master was able to finish him off. No particular strategy here besides heal often and beat the crap out of him.

Reward: Genji Gloves

Boss 2: Atomos (10F)

Cast Protera and NulDeath if you have them, and afterward just focus on keeping everyone's hp up. He doesn't pose much threat except for his spell Comet which does massive damage to one party member. He only used it against me once in the entire battle so I had plenty of time to recover after, but of course you should save before taking him on.

Reward: Judgment Staff

Boss 3 (Left Side): Omega (20F)
A thousand years it has been since a challenger stood before me. Show me the power you possess. Defeat me if you can.

You pretty much don't stand a chance here until all your characters have max HP (except for the black mage which will take forever) and all the best equipment (some of which can only be obtained from the final bonus dungeon, Whisperwind Cove). Everyone should have Protect Rings equipped to protect against Quake. This boss has extremely high physical defense, and its regular attack can do over 700 damage to one character. Make sure your healer has full MP before starting the battle.

Cast Protera right off the bat - it won't help that much, but you need every little bit in this fight. Your healer should cast Healaga every turn. Beef up your main fighter as much as possible and have your black magic user cast Thundaga once that's done. Your fourth character should be assisting with healing, preferably using the Rune Staff (obtained from Orthros in the Whisperwind Cove). Your attacker should also have the Ultima Weapon or Lightbringer equipped (again, from the Whisperwind Cove) or they won't do any decent damage. Other than that, the only thing you can do is hope that it uses Earthquake and Wave Cannon. Omega has 35000 hp, so you may be at it for a while. Good luck.

Reward: Murasame (Light Sword)

Boss 3 (Right Side): Shinryu (20F)
I am that which follows Omega...

If your team is not at least level 50 it's going to be nearly impossible for you to win against this boss. I suggest getting a couple Light Curtains from Cognazzo in Hellfire Chasm, so on your first turn you can use one on your main fighter and one on your healer. Have your fighter use the Giant's Gloves and cast Haste/Temper on them. Your healer should be using Healaga every turn and your fighter attacking non-stop. Your other two characters should support with Hi-Potions (or Cura/Curaga) and the Judgment Staff which will do about 500 damage each turn. It may take quite a few tries before you finally emerge victorious, but don't get discouraged. It's not because you suck, you're just going up against a near-impossible boss.

Reward: Ragnarok (Heavy Sword)

Also once you get the boss out of the way you can open the chest here for the Hero's Shield. Two very good items that no one in my party could equip.

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