Final Fantasy II: Dawn of Souls (Part 6)

Oh look, I found Mysidia. Talk to the people around town if you'd like and rest at the inn. The main attraction here is the giant magic shop, though you probably have most things you want already. It does have Holy, a powerful (eventually) offensive spell for your white magic user, and the weapon and armor shops have some alright stuff too. In the southwest corner of town is a house with a bookshelf at the back that you can ask about nearly any keyword you know to learn a bit of backstory. East of here you will find a staircase leading to an underground area. Make your way left the goddess statue and use the White Mask on it. This is step 1 to clearing an obstacle in the next area.

When you're ready, leave town and go north a short distance, then go east until you fine a break in the mountains below you. Pass through it to the southwest to find the Cave of Mysidia.

When you enter, go all the way left along the upper wall until you see steps going down to a lower area. Take them, and open the chest there for a Gold Hairpin. Go back and take the path down which soon turns into a 4-way intersection. Go right and get the Black Garb from the chest down the steps, and then go back to the intersection and down all the way. Go left and down the stairs and interact with Firion's doppleganger, placing the Black Mask on it. The creature and the mask both disappear. Welp. Hope that tribe of underground mask-people on the tropical island didn't want their society's one and only treasure back. Enter the door nearby and go down the stairs.

Go all the way up on the next floor and to the right, going down the stairs and opening the chest for a Power Staff.

To the right of that is another chest that seems to be completely blocked off, however, you can pass through the wall at the spot shown above. The chest contains a Flame Lance. Go down but don't go down the steps, instead go left to the corner and enter the room there, which contains the next set of stairs.

On the next floor is another chest accessible with a hidden passage, this one contains an Ice Bow. From here go right, then down, then make your way to the right wall and go down, descending the steps. To the left in this lower area you will find a chest with an Ogrekiller axe (guarded) and then follow the area to the end. Go in this door and down the stairs. On the next floor make your way around to the steps and then continue up and go right. Descend these steps and get the Potion from the chest. Go down and left and enter the middle of three doors; get the Phoenix DownBell of Silence and Gold Needle from the chests here. Exit and go down and right and enter the door there to find the stairs.

On the next floor open the chest right next to you for the Drain Tome which is guarded by Ghosts - very powerful undead enemies. From here go down and then right and go up the steps.

Sticking to the right-hand side in the upper area, go up and pass through another fake wall. The chest below you contains a Mini Tome while four above you contain a PotionEtherHi-Potion and Hi-Potion. Return through the fake wall and go down then left to find another set of steps, go down them and make your way up to the singular room. Get the Drain Tome and Osmose Tome from the two lower chests here, then open the top one for the Crystal Rod. Teleport out.

Make your way back to Mysidia, stopping by to use the inn if you want and buy any consumables you need (now that enemies are dropping heaps of money after every battle I've been carrying 40-50 Ethers personally. However I also haven't used a single Potion so far in the game so y'know, life choices). Now we can head to that sealed tower to find Minwu and the Ultima Tome.

Sail to this position and use a Cottage to heal your party, as our journey is about get cut off by a cutscene and we will have another dungeon to plow through. Also, if you have anything super important equipped to Leila remove it now, as she'll be missing from our party soon.

It's not a true Final Fantasy game until our party gets eaten by a whirlpool. Yes, the yellow liquid here IS acid that will damage you with every step, and no, there is no way to avoid it. Continue on the linear path to find a chest with a Twist Headband. Further along is another chest with a Power Vest and a bit further along is a... uhhh... "door". Yeah, this place is kinda gross.

Go along the path and you will find a few people to talk to. Take the second path upward for a room with a chest containing a Power Armlet. Talk to the knight-like man blocking your way. You can ask him about a few things but he'll simply react, not give you any information. Show him the Crystal Rod to have him join your party. Like all new party members, he starts out pathetically weak, so you may want to move him to the back row. Again, talk to the rest of the people if you want and then exit this area via the top-left.

In the next area go left to wade into the purple acid, then go to the top of the room to find a Gaia Blade and down to the bottom of the room to find a Diamond Shield protected by some Red Souls. With those in hand, go left and interact with the monster.

The Roundworm has no particular elemental weaknesses, but magic does work better than physical attacks. However, casting Berserk will help if you have any characters who haven't been learning magic. When the enemy is out of the way, climb aboard the ship to leave the Leviathan.

To be continued!

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