Reel Set Up

I've been fishing with braided lines ever since I got my first spool of braid. From time to time, I do go back to monofilament lines when the need to do finesse fishing is required but otherwise, I spend most of my time fishing with braided lines, even when coarse fishing.

To fish with braided lines, the angler needs to have a little more skill & setting it up can be tricky but the results justifies the extra effort. Normally, preparations begins at the very beginning when you load the braid onto the spool. There are other ways to load braid.

PHASE 1 - loading braid onto spool. This applies to both spinning & baitcasting reels.

(1)   Backing for braid. You need to load in some mono line onto the spool to prevent the braid from slipping, the mono will also fill up the spool so that the braid is sitting near the lip of the spool for better casting. Select a mono line with a diameter as near to the braid as possible.

(2)   Tie an Arbor knot onto the spool & secure it tightly, make sure it doesn't slip around the spool. Reel in about 20 to 30 turns till it covers the surface of the spool. Load in more mono if you know the braid is not enough to fill up the spool.

For spinning reels, leave about 2mm space between line & spool lip. Don't over spool or it will cause birds nest & tangles when you cast hard.

For baitcasting reels, fill up the braid all the way to the tip of the spool, just leave about 0.5mm space will be sufficient.

    PHASE 2 - Attaching leader, swivel & clip.

    (1)   Depending on what you intend to use the setup for. I would attach a premium grade 50lb clear mono line by using an FG or Albright knot. The length of the leader is also dependent on the fishing conditions but generally, 1m to 1.5m is sufficient. If you are setting up a reel for saltwater fishing around coral reefs & rocky areas, I would recommend attaching a 10m leader.

    [IMPORTANT] Do invest in quality mono line that is smooth casting, tough yet still flexible as leader. Best is 100% Fluorocarbon lines. Use shock leaders if you are fishing in highly snaggy waters like swamps, sunken logs, coral reefs & rocky banks.

    (2)   Once leader is tied, connect the end to a swivel using an Improved Clinch Knot. Followed by attaching a clip to it.

    (3)   DONE! You are now ready to.....WAIT!!! haha! better test out the rig first. Lock clip to a window grill, table or some heavy structure & pull the line to test it. Better to detect a failure now then to find out the failure when you loose that big one.

    All set for testing

    Testing out the setup

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