What do semi-automatic rifles mean for hunting in PA?


What do semi-automatic rifles mean for hunting in PA?

By Tyler Frantz
March 7, 2017

            While walking into a Maryland public land deer stand this past November, two hunting partners of mine crossed paths with a hunter carrying a semi-automatic hunting rifle. There was no mistaking it, especially to a pair of down-home Pennsylvania boys; this rifle looked like an alien in the deer woods.

            When my curious friends asked the hunter about his weapon of choice, he explained that MD law permits eight cartridges to a rifle, but he only carries a magazine of five. “Shouldn’t need more than that anyway,” he said before wishing them luck and parting ways.


            It was a rare but interesting encounter at the time, though it may become a little more common in our home state in the near future.  

            Coincidentally, the very same week, Governor Tom Wolf signed into law a bill that legalized semi-automatic and air rifles, giving the Pennsylvania Game Commission authority to regulate their use in hunting situations. In doing so, Pennsylvania became the final state legislature in the union to authorize semis for hunting.

            At the January PGC board meeting, Commissioners gave these modern weapons preliminary approval, but did not set any specific regulations on which seasons they might be permitted, nor did they offer any magazine capacity or caliber restrictions. The finalized approval vote will only take place at the next board meeting at the end of March.

            Needless to say, this news has roused quite a stir in the hunting community, with some enthusiastically in favor and others completely opposed to allowing semis. The supporters view it as a gun rights victory, knowing it should boost sales and allow greater flexibility in weapon choice. Those against it worry about deer being killed too easily and ponder the threat of safety concerns.

            As a person who has never shot, owned, or even had a desire to own an AR, I am somewhere in the middle, perhaps with many others who don’t have a real opinion either way. Some might claim apathy is taking the easy way out, but I honestly don’t care if we have semis for hunting or not.

            Though I’m in no position to speculate, it is my guess that the PGC will slowly phase ARs into the mix, maybe for predators, and then add more opportunities as they see fit. It’s up to them to listen to those they serve, find a happy medium and make a fair decision.

            Regardless, I don’t think it is going to have a drastic effect one way or the other. Those who are into ARs may see them as a modern tool and a fun new way to pursue game. If legal, go for it and hunt safely. I’ll probably stick with my bolt-action rifle, because that’s what I like and that’s what I’m comfortable shooting.

            As for the safety concerns or claims of an unfair advantage, I didn’t recall hearing the Maryland man’s semi blitzing away over the ridge last November. He may or may not have shot his five rounds, but if he did, I didn’t notice anything different from just another opening day in the deer woods. I certainly wasn’t dodging any bullets- that’s for sure.

            Just like the never ending traditional vs. compound vs. crossbow archery debate, some will be happy and some will be disgruntled no matter the decision, and everyone has his or her own preference. The bigger picture is that we’re all in this together, and we all love hunting with our own methods. If you feel strongly about something, voice your opinion, but respect others' as well.

            Supporting each other’s legal right to hunt wild game with a weapon of their choosing is the way to go, whether it be by stick and string, patch and ball, lead or steel, blued barrel or vented muzzle, it doesn’t matter. The simple right to hunt is what’s really important. Let’s not forget that.

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit www.naturalpursuitoutdoors.com. Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!


Guided by scientific survey of state’s hunters, commissioners remove proposal for big-game.

Hunters heading afield in the 2017-18 seasons will be able to carry semiautomatic rifles for hunting small game and furbearers, but not for big game, based on regulatory changes approved today by the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners.
The commissioners in January preliminarily approved a proposal that would have allowed semiautomatic rifles to be used in any season where manually operated centerfire rifles now can be used.
The board today amended that measure, giving final approval to hunting small game and furbearers with semiautomatic rifles beginning in the 2017-18 seasons. It made no changes to the list of lawful sporting arms for hunting big game.
Commissioners said a clear majority of Pennsylvania hunters voiced opposition to hunting big game with semiautomatic rifles at this time, and the board’s vote reflects that opinion.
Between the Board of Commissioners’ preliminary vote and the vote today, Game Commission staff conducted a scientific survey from a random sample of 4,000 of the state’s hunters, more than 2,000 of whom responded. The findings of that survey were presented to the commissioners at the board’s meeting on Monday.
The findings of the survey show clear support for hunting furbearers (55 percent support or strongly support), woodchucks (51 percent support or strongly support) and small game (42 percent support or strongly support, and 12 percent neither support nor oppose) with semiautomatic rifles.
For big game, while 28 percent of survey respondents expressed support or strong support for semiautomatic rifles, 64 percent of respondents said they opposed or strongly opposed semiautomatic rifles for big-game hunting, with 52 percent saying they were strongly opposed.
The results bolstered the expressed opposition to hunting big game with semiautomatic rifles that appeared to a lesser extent in the written comments the Game Commission received in recent months.
“We listened to our hunters,” President Commissioner Brian H. Hoover said.
With the changes, semiautomatic rifles in .22 caliber or less that propel single-projectile ammunition and semiautomatic shotguns 10 gauge or smaller propelling ammunition not larger than No. 4 lead – also No. 2 steel or No. 4 composition or alloy – will be legal firearms for small-game seasons in the 2017-18 license year, which begins July 1.
Semiautomatic firearms that propel single-projectile ammunition also will be legal sporting arms for woodchucks and furbearers, and there is no caliber restriction for woodchucks or furbearers.
The measure also approves the use of air guns for hunting small game and furbearers.
Air-guns will be legal for small game in calibers from .177 to .22 that propel single-projectile pellets or bullets.
For woodchucks and furbearers, air-guns must be at least .22 caliber and propel a single-projectile pellet or bullet. BB ammunition is not authorized for small game, furbearers or woodchucks.
Pennsylvania historically prohibited the use of semiautomatic rifles for hunting, but a law that took effect in November enables the Game Commission to regulate semiautomatic rifles and air guns for hunting.
With today’s vote, Pennsylvania becomes the last state in the nation to approve semiautomatic rifles for hunting uses.
Following their vote, the commissioners said if growing support for hunting big game with semiautomatic rifles emerges at some point in the future, they will give consideration to further regulatory changes.
Fact-finding by Pennsylvania Game Commission staff revealed no higher incidence of hunting accidents in any state where semiautomatics are permitted, and many firearms experts have said they believe semiautomatics are safer in that they allow for continuous focus on the target and often require the shooter to absorb less recoil.
The survey on hunting with semiautomatic rifles also showed greater support among younger age groups for semiautomatic rifle hunting, including the use of semiautomatic rifles to hunt big game.
            But no such provision will be adopted for the 2017-18 license year.


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