Soldier scores first buck with second-hand bow
Soldier scores first buck with second-hand bow
By Tyler Frantz
Two years ago, US Army National Guardsman, Zach Teisher, was beginning a nine-month tour of duty at Bagram Airfield in eastern Afghanistan. It was a far cry from the peaceful Pennsylvania woodlots so many of us enjoy each November- a freedom our amazing soldiers continually serve to protect.
Zach was my roommate in college, and while he was big, wrestled and lifted weights and I was small, played soccer, and hunted, Zach and I developed a terrific friendship that still continues today.
In fact, none of my roommates were hunters, but that didn’t stop me from imposing my outdoor lifestyle upon them through rampant storytelling and annual invitations to wild game dinners. Call it exposure through association.
After working for several years, Zach decided to join the military- somewhat later in life than the rest of his recruitment class. As an “old guy,” Zach completed his basic and advanced training in admirable fashion and returned home. It was around this time when he first expressed an interest in hunting, and we began making plans for his future initiation to the sport.
Months passed, however, and Zach got deployed- roughly a week after the delivery of his first-born daughter. While away from his family and friends, Zach bonded with fellow platoon members, especially Command Sergeant, Ryan Piersol, who is an avid hunter himself.
During Zach’s time in Afghanistan, I sent him regular hunting season updates and stories- even a Pennsylvania Deer Huntingbook- to get him primed for his return to the states. It is likely Sgt. P’s fondness for the outdoors rubbed off on him too, for when he arrived home the following August, Zach was eager to begin his apprenticeship.
To get him started, I outfitted Zach with my old compound bow, which was professionally adjusted to fit him. After a few shooting lessons, he proved to be a naturally good shot. With practice, Zach was grouping arrows at 20 and 30 yards reliably, and I felt comfortable taking him archery hunting last fall.

As late summer rolled around, I had the pleasure of finally meeting Sgt. P by attending a 40-target archery shoot with him and Zach. We had a great time, everyone shot well, and we planned to hit it hard this archery season.
On Columbus Day, Zach and I planned to hunt a new area together, since we both had off that day. Shortly after an early morning wakeup, Zach text messaged me that his wife was going into labor, and his son was born later that afternoon. Needless to say, Zach’s hunting would be put on hold for a few weeks.
He eventually snuck away for a couple unsuccessful public land sits, and I finally offered him an opportunity to hunt my small home property, which I’ve been trying to manage for whitetails since moving here three years ago, though I have yet to harvest a deer on my own land.
It’s not that I hadn’t had opportunities- the deer are certainly here- but taking an October buck the past two years in Schuylkill County, I didn’t see the need to put more pressure on my small tract than necessary- especially when Zach could potentially kill his very first deer here.
So I gave my pal the green light to hunt my home stand, and he had close encounters just about every time he showed up. On the Thursday before Veteran’s Day, Zach put in a chilly morning shift, and he was rewarded when a wide 6-point came slinking by his post. Miraculously, he was able to stand, draw his bow and stop the buck in time to make a fleeting 30-yard shot.

Zach called me to share the news. With questionable blood and no tracking experience to lean on, I advised he wait until I return home from work to take up the trail. I made some precursory calls to neighbors who generously granted us access to their properties in the event we needed it for recovery.
Though we eventually lost blood, momentarily diminishing our hope, we ultimately came across the buck less than 100 yards from where Zach shot him.
Seeing the smile of joy and disbelief spread across my friend’s face upon acknowledging what he just accomplished was truly one of the most fulfilling moments of my hunting career- certainly more memorable than if I had taken the deer myself.
After tagging the buck, we took it home for a field dressing, skinning and quartering lesson. Sgt. P stopped by with his son to congratulate Zach on his first kill, hear the story, and share in the experience. It was pretty neat to witness the mutual sense of pride we all shared in the occasion- a unique fellowship perhaps only hunters can understand.
Zach and I spent seven hours deboning, processing, packaging and freezing the venison to provide healthy meals for his family throughout the year. As we worked, we relived the hunt and the recovery, discussed careers, family and future life goals- basically just enjoyed each other’s company as old friends do.
It was an honor to be a part of this special moment for Zach, as I know we all remember our first deer. For him, I hope he looks back years from now and recalls the second-hand bow that did the deed, the small property that made it happen, and that first shot that filled his freezer as well his memory bank.
Most of all, I hope he remembers how proud I am to call him my friend, my hunting buddy and my military hero. Thank you for your service, Zach. It’s been a long time coming, but this buck was yours all along. It was simply meant to be.
Click video icon to watch the recovery of Zach's first deer!
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