Local hunters record Triple Trophy seasons

Local hunters record Triple Trophy seasons

By Tyler Frantz

            Hunting season in Penn’s Woods is a special experience, but three local hunters who earned their Triple Trophy last season had even more reason to smile.

            According to James R. Wolfgang, founder of PA Triple Trophy Unlimited- an organization dedicated to recognizing the men, women and youth of Pennsylvania by honoring their achievements in the field - attaining the PA triple trophy represents the epitome of hunting success.

            “The Pennsylvania Triple Trophy was a tradition the Pennsylvania Sportsman took great pride in accomplishing, even after the PA Game Commission stopped recognizing the award,” Wolfgang said.

            The PGC used to officially recognize the PA Triple Trophy whenever a hunter harvested a white-tailed buck, a black bear, and a fall or spring wild turkey from Pennsylvania in the same licensed hunting season. The agency ended the awards program decades ago, but Wolfgang recently decided to bring it back. 

            “During my research, I found the accomplishment listed in obituaries and on job resumes,” Wolfgang explained. “I also found the true meaning of the Triple Trophy was being lost. There were newspaper articles that described the Triple Trophy as a spring bird, antlered whitetail, and bear all in the same calendar year; however, it actually requires they be harvested in the same license year.”

            “So the main reason to bring this program back to life again was to reestablish the true meaning and to bring back the honor the Triple Trophy deserves for future and past sportsmen.”

            “Overall, I’ve had about 60 Triple Trophies reported to me. Some hunters completed the PA Grand Slam (bear, buck, spring and fall turkey), and there was even one Royal Slam (triple trophy plus a PA elk),” Wolfgang said.

            “We’re currently keeping records at www.patripletrophy.com and have been sending certificates out to recipients, but once we start picking up more sponsors we will be able to accomplish more, such as holding awards banquets.”

            One registered hunter from last year’s Triple Trophy class is Pine Grove native Keith Fessler Sr. Having hunted all his life, he experienced first-hand just how difficult this feat was to accomplish.

            As an avid hunter since childhood, attaining the Pa Triple Trophy is like winning the Super Bowl,” Fessler said. ”It’s the result of hard work, perseverance, and the willingness to never give up.”

            For Lebanon County hunter, Jason Kohr, the Triple Trophy was not something he had known about or even thought of trying for; it just happened to fall into place. He described the challenging nature of the journey, but it didn’t hurt to have a little luck either.  

            “The buck came with the most work,” Kohr said. “It was the result of many days spent with good friends scouting and planning, while the bear was to be just another day hanging out in a tree stand. That only lasted five minutes into the season, but it definitely helped to have a great friend who knows bears.”

            “The gobbler was by far the toughest,” Kohr said. “Others encouraged me to try for the Triple Trophy after shooting my bear, and I was a complete rookie when it came to turkeys. I had no calls, no experience and never scouted for turkeys. I knew it would be quite an adventure.”

            “As good friends do, we banded together and figured out areas to scout and planned days to go out together. My friends did the calling every time, since I surely would just scare the birds away. There were many outings and a lot of very close encounters, but we were never set up just right,” Kohr said.

            “So, on a solo trip to try it on my own, I overslept- of all things. I got to the field and the sun was already up, but it was still a beautiful day, so I decided to stick it out. After an hour or so and a little calling, the birds came my way.” 

            “Through all my years of hunting, I’ve always tried to continually put others first- never put someone in the "bad spot" where no one ever sees anything. It’s just not the way to be a good sportsman or friend,” Kohr said. 

            “When hunters work together and help each other out, good things happen more often for everyone. This Triple Trophy is a testament to that possibility,” he said.

            First year nursing school student, Samantha Fessler, seconded Kohr’s sentiments on the importance of utilizing teamwork to get the job done. After killing a bear on the season opener last year, she also decided to give the triple-crown challenge a try.

            The bear is said to be the hardest of the triple, so I figured if I had knocked down that one, I was going to try my best to go for all three,” Fessler said. “I got my buck in rifle season, but the turkey was definitely the hardest.”

            “I hunted turkeys every day the season would allow and only shot him a couple days before the season ended. It was very challenging and mentally draining. When I completed the Triple Trophy, I broke into tears in the woods. I just felt so overwhelmed with so many emotions! I couldn’t believe I did it,” she said.  

            “I wouldn’t have had this opportunity if my dad had not introduced me to hunting, the guys hadn’t walked miles in the woods to help get my bear, and friends hadn’t offered to take me turkey hunting to make sure I completed my Triple Trophy,” Fessler said.

            “The best part about it is the fact that this was my very first bear, first buck, and first turkey all in the same season. I still cannot believe it!” 

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit www.naturalpursuitoutdoors.com. Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!

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