It doesn’t hurt to ask for permission

It doesn’t hurt to ask for permission

By Tyler Frantz
            Quality hunting land is becoming harder and harder to come by these days. As a teenager, I recall having the run of multiple privately owned farm properties- prime tracts of hunting land for small game and late-season deer drives. Today, most of these (if not all) are either posted, large poultry and livestock operations or residential housing developments.

            But there still remains plenty of good hunting properties in Pennsylvania. In addition to the thousands upon thousands of state game lands and public forest acreage, smaller private tracts are scattered everywhere, dominating the majority of our state’s landscape.

            Many of these privately owned properties are closed to public hunting for good reason. The landowner’s family might already hunt there themselves, they may have had a bad experience with irresponsible hunters in the past, or perhaps the property just isn’t large enough or laid out properly for safe hunting to take place.

            There’s always the possibility that landowners simply don’t want anyone hunting their properties, period. They are entitled to that choice.

            But I have found through my experience of knocking on farmhouse doors that securing permission for private access is possible at times, even if the land is already posted. Plenty of landowners understand the value of responsible wildlife management through hunting and will either gratefully grant permission or allow limited hunting with a few exceptions.

            Many farmers appreciate the removal of unwanted wildlife destroying their crops. Some gladly allow waterfowl field hunting, while others see no harm in a squirrel hunt or two. Perhaps a landowner only rifle hunts for deer, but he’s open to an archery hunter harvesting a doe in early October. You never know until you ask.

            I’ll be the first to admit it- asking permission to hunt can be somewhat uncomfortable, intimidating and nerve-wracking, especially if the person from whom you seek this permission is a complete and total stranger.
            But if you can get past that initial adolescent-like fear of rejection, it will soon become clear that there’s really no harm in asking, because in reality, you’ve got nothing to lose.

            Gaining the green light to that prime dove, deer or goose hotspot is an art form, though, and while every landowner is different, there are some things you can do to increase your odds of hearing a “yes” instead of “no” when popping the question.

            First, place yourself in the landowner’s position. If you paid the taxes on the property, what type of person would you feel comfortable allowing on your land? Think long and hard about this, and then try your best to be that type of person.

            Arrive in casual, well-put-together attire. Don’t look like a slouch and don’t show up in full camo. Park somewhere that won’t be in the way of any farm equipment that might be in use. Approach the landowner with a polite, courteous smile and introduce yourself. Share where you are from, what you do for a living, and express your appreciation for his or her time; then ask for permission to hunt.

            If you have kids, a wife or a friendly hunting dog, bring one or all of them along to show you are a reasonable human being that others can tolerate. Tell the landowner that you would respect any stipulations he or she may have regarding when to hunt, where to park or any zones that are off-limits. Keep your promise.

            If they say no, thank them for their time and express that you completely understand and respect their decision. Don’t be discouraged- having their name on the deed gives them that right, so wish them a good day and move on with a cheerful smile. It is likely the landowners will appreciate you having the decency to ask in person and may consider a change of heart if you try again next year.
            If the answer is yes, show your appreciation with enthusiasm. Sort out any special preferences they might have, and be sure to verify all property boundaries in advance. Provide the make and model of your vehicle, times you plan to be there and perhaps even a contact phone number if desired. Seal the deal with a handshake and a great big thank you.  

            After the hunt, it is a nice gesture to follow up with a thank you note, an offer to share harvested game meat, or even express your willingness to lend a hand with a few farm chores. This can go a long way in developing a long-lasting relationship with the owner of the property on which you just scored your bag limit.

            Gaining permission to hunt may ultimately fall at the discretion of the landowner, but it is certainly helpful to present oneself as a respectful candidate worth considering. When all else fails, be pleasant and keep trying.

            Not everyone grants the go-ahead, but with persistence and a positive attitude, access to a privately owned piece of real estate is closer than one might think. Sometimes all it takes is a polite disposition and a genuine appreciation for the opportunity you seek. After all, it doesn’t hurt to ask.

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!


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