Making the most of a welcomed break

Making the most of a welcomed break

By Tyler Frantz

            To school-age children and college students alike, Christmas vacation is the bee’s knees. Homework, studying and tests are forgotten, as fun and relaxation become the dominating priorities during their brief reprieve from the books.  

            It’s likely many of you have favorite childhood memories of winter breaks gone by, perhaps at a time when the weather seemed colder, early snowfalls were more routine and frozen farm ponds made perfect impromptu ice hockey arenas.

            As adults, our time away from work is often limited, and even when we do get a little break from the daily grind, our life responsibilities, family commitments and busy agendas often prevent us from slipping back to that carefree, fun-focused mindset of our youth. But it doesn’t mean we still can’t appreciate the pardon.

            As a teacher, I probably look forward to holiday break just as much as my students- not because I dislike my job, but because it affords me the welcomed opportunity to trade lesson plans and grade books for a few days of family time and outdoor pleasure. In other words, it gives me a quick chance to recharge my batteries.

            This year was my son’s first Christmas, and it brought Erin and me great joy to be home experiencing the beauty of the holiday season with him. Seeing him crawling around exploring everything- the presents, the tree, even Cali’s dog dish- was a simple amusement that made us smile.  

            Creating family traditions together, such as setting out cookies for Santa, reading holiday bedtime stories and dancing around the kitchen like a bunch of crazy nuts, made it even more special. Though Foster might not remember his first Christmas, I know it’s something his parents won’t soon forget.

            Of course the family visits, the meals and gift exchanges were balanced with ample time afield, taking advantage of the multiple hunting and trapping seasons still open in our state.

            This year, I made my first serious attempt at trapping. Despite a depreciated fur market, I found it a worthwhile effort to do my part in attempting to keep predator populations in check- especially with a barnyard flock of free-range farm ducks and egg-laying chickens to consider.

            Through a week of meticulous trial and error, bolstered by countless hours of self-taught online research, my limited trapping wisdom yielded one raccoon, one opossum and one skunk. My fox and mink sets have yet to produce, but I’m more than happy with my success thus far, as it’s a bit more challenging than it seems.

            I’ve certainly gained a deeper respect for the few trappers who remain dedicated to this important tradition and maintain their trap lines with repeated success.

            Since humans are largely the only predators these animals have, trappers serve the greater good by removing a few so the population as a whole, as well as their prey, can thrive. They play a vital role in preserving a balanced ecosystem.

            Late-season deer have eluded me. Though I’ve gotten trail camera photos of deer occasionally traveling through my small property, my evening archery sits haven’t provided any shot opportunities. The sign is there- tracks, droppings, and hoofed out sections in my clover plot- but none have shown themselves in daylight hours, at least not while I was watching.

            Likewise, my public land flintlock forays haven’t even offered the flicker of a tail, but I still enjoy being out there. I’ve said before that hunting is not about the kill, but more about the pursuit, and I mean it. Besides, it’s not over until it’s over. I’ll still have an opportunity to fill my WMU 5D antlerless tag during the extended season while hunting in southeastern Pennsylvania.

            Ducks were more cooperative than the deer, however. After a warm, lethargic start to the season, a cold blast of air finally got migrating waterfowl up and moving, so my friend and I promptly scheduled a morning hunt on some prime duck water.
            As daylight broke, flock after flock circled and pitched down on our small water decoy spread and the flooded fields around us. We initially held our fire, taking in the sky show as four-, five-, and six-bird groups kept coming in waves. It was one of the most spectacular displays of hunting action I’ve ever experienced in my life. The birds wanted in here badly.

            At one point, multiple groups successively crisscrossed an opening above us, and it actually took my breath away. Looking on in disbelief, we exchanged excited whispers of how it felt like we were hunting Arkansas or the Prairie Pothole Region out west. It was a truly remarkable sight to behold in our local Pennsylvania flyway.

            Finally, we made the call and took our shots, ending the day with a combined two mallards and two black ducks. Some misses were involved, or we could’ve taken even more, but it was an incredible experience nonetheless, resulting in a savory meal of roasted “duck a l’orange” on my last day home before returning to work.

            Even during the holidays, it can be difficult to take one’s mind completely off work. After all, there are always emails to check, deadlines to meet and plans to arrange for a smooth transition back. But it’s also important, at least for a few days, to simply let it all go and enjoy the break. If done right, making the most of the time we’re granted might even help us feel like kids again. 

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!

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