Kayaking continues to grow in popularity

Kayaking continues to grow in popularity

By Tyler Frantz

            While fishing from my johnboat a few weeks ago, I couldn’t help but notice the influx of kayaks meandering down the stream around me. From young couples in their twenties, to a teenage boy and his mother, to a group of silver-haired women of retirement age, it seemed the pleasant weather brought out paddlers of all ages. 

            I often see kayaks cruising around Memorial Lake too, where Greenway Outdoors offers single- and double- passenger kayaks for rent, if anyone is eager to try the sport before investing in their own personal craft.

            Up until last week, I hadn’t tried kayaking myself, but seeing how efficient and maneuverable these little vessels proved to be, I ultimately caught the bug just like everyone else and started calling around to local sporting goods stores to inquire on pricing and availability.

            Dunham’s of Lebanon told me their well-priced kayaks are going like hotcakes, with repeated shipments selling out through the busy summer season. Dick’s Sporting Goods in Harrisburg was having a sale, and since I already had a gift card to use anyway, I took a ride over for a closer look.

            After comparing options, I splurged on a sweet angling model kayak, complete with storage compartments, rod holders and even a built-in tackle box. I bought a paddle and flexible movement life vest, added a launch permit from the PA Fish and Boat Commission, and just like that, I joined the ranks of thousands of proud Pennsylvania kayak enthusiasts.
            Juan Veruete, a certified kayak instructor, licensed fishing guide and owner of Kayak Fish PA, LLC, got into kayaking over a decade ago when it was still a very fresh concept in our state. He viewed kayaks as a useful tool to reach bigger fish in hard to access locations, but he can easily cite many reasons for the recent exploding interest in kayaking.

            “The sport of kayaking is definitely growing in leaps and bounds,” Veruete said. “It has especially picked up steam in the past two or three years here in Pennsylvania, where the simple immersion in nature really appeals to people. To many, it is just plain fun.”

            But from a fishing perspective, Veruete feels a growing number of anglers are beginning to see the advantages of fishing from a kayak versus a larger motorized boat.

            “We live in a state where you can hardly drive thirty minutes without finding good fishing water, but it is mainly small water- lakes, ponds, creeks and streams, even shallow rivers, all of which are suitable for kayaks,” Veruete said.

            “With our incredible angling community, more and more people are discovering they can access better water- areas difficult to reach by boat and those that are less pressured- since you can only get to them by canoe or kayak.”

            “Likewise, kayaks cost less than larger boats while still allowing you to take gear with you. It gets bank anglers out there to where the fish are and boat anglers into the tight spaces they normally cant reach to flip their bait into cover- so it’s really the in between solution,” Veruete said.

            He also commented that companies are really gearing their products to the angling market, and a lot of kayak clubs are springing up, holding fishing tournaments and helping novices learn all the ins and outs of the sport.

            “Kayaking appeals to people of all ages,” Veruete said. “It is really a lifelong sport that can be enjoyed by anglers young and old. In fact, most of the clients I teach are middle-aged and looking for a new way to get out and enjoy better fishing opportunities in a low-impact way.”

            Veruete offers monthly river kayak fishing classes, which dedicate about half the instruction to paddling techniques and safety and the other half to kayak positioning specifically for fishing and tips for targeting smallmouth bass.  

            He also provides private classes and can tailor his instruction to meet his students’ specific needs. More information can be accessed on his website at www.kayakfishpa.com.

            Selecting the right kayak can be a confusing and intimidating task, simply because there are so many models from which to choose. There are sit in and sit on varieties, with each having their own pros and cons.  

            Speaking with a sales associate well versed in available options is probably the best bet, as they will help you select the appropriate hull type and length designed for your needs.

             Even selecting the right paddle is an important factor to consider as a paddler’s height is the main determinant of paddle length. But this can vary based on the overall width of the kayak itself. Be sure to ask questions before making a purchase, and consider taking an introductory kayaking and safety course before setting out on your own.

            There’s no doubt, kayaking is the way of the future for angling in Pennsylvania, and I’m looking forward to finding out exactly what I’ve been missing.  

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit www.naturalpursuitoutdoors.com. Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!


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