Advice every bird hunter should heed before heading afield

Advice every bird hunter should heed before heading afield
By Tyler Frantz
            We’ll officially be into it on Tuesday September 1st, when the early resident Canada goose and mourning dove seasons kick off another exciting hunting year. With decoys set and blinds brushed in, camo-clad hunters will take to the fields and water in pursuit of wild tablefare.
            As cupped goose wings commit to well-scouted field sets and speedy doves dart across the sky, there are several important items of which eager migratory bird hunters should already be aware.
General hunting regulations and safety
            First and foremost, be sure to thoroughly read and understand the many hunting regulations pertaining to legal shooting hours, bag and possession limits, mandatory licenses and ammunition specifications.
            Confirm permission to hunt the areas you intend to target, and be mindful of property boundaries, homes, roadways, power-lines and livestock. Respect the landowner’s wishes, and always make safe shooting the number one priority.
            Of particular safety concern is to always be aware of your surroundings, especially the location of your hunting partners, and never point your firearm in an unsafe direction. Use common sense and handle weapons responsibly in the heat of the moment to avoid accidental discharge. No bird is worth a tragedy.
Expert shooting tips
            Taking a bird in flight is no simple task. There are countless ways for hunters to blow the shot, such as not leading the target or lifting one’s head off the stock (a bad habit of which I am occasionally guilty). It can be very helpful at times to revisit the basics as a means to sure up our shooting form.
            Mike Mohr, N.S.C.A. Level III Shooting Instructor and Senior Director of Sporting Clays at Seven Springs Mountain Resort, offers the following better-shotgunning tips to help shooters to hit their marks more often.
             “I always tell shooters to acquire their targets first and then work backwards,” Mohr said. “Just like golfing- when you putt, you should look at the hole, log the data in your brain, then focus on the follow through of your putter- you don’t really aim.”
            Instead, Mohr suggests shooters keep their guns down and out of the way until absolutely needed and focus more on seeing the target with their eyes.
            “More times than not, if you think about aiming, you’re going to miss,” Mohr said. “Keep both eyes open and don’t raise your gun until you are ready to shoot. See the target first, keep your eyes on the front of the target and train yourself to not look at what’s closest. Figure out what direction it’s heading, mount your gun, swing and fire.”
            “Shooters need to focus on the target and not the end of their barrels. Your dominant eye will naturally take your barrel to the target as long as your cheek is tucked in tight against the stock where it should be. Let your eyes and brain do the calculating without over-thinking it.”
            Mohr also offered two different approaches for leading the target effectively, and encourages shooters to do whatever feels more natural.
            “Swing through shooters find the back of the target, match its speed, swing through the target and pull the trigger. Sustained lead shooters find the front of the target, stay ahead of it and pull the trigger. It’s all a matter of timing and personal preference.”
            “The most important thing is to figure out what works best for you and to keep doing it. As with any sport, the basics are important, but repetition will make form more efficient,” Mohr said.
Avian flu concerns
            The first major threat of avian influenza (AI) since the 1980s is raising concerns among agriculture officials in Pennsylvania and beyond. While the highly contagious respiratory virus continues to decimate western domestic poultry farms by the millions, a wild Canada goose tested positive in the Ontario province just north of Lake Erie, posing even more threat to our local flocks.
            According to a USDA release, the virus’s various strains can infect domestic chickens, quail, pheasants, guinea fowl and turkeys and some wild bird species, such as ducks, swans and geese. The virus impacts poultry and wild birds in different ways, however, as wild birds can carry the virus but usually do not get sick from it, while domesticated birds can become very sick and die.
            AI has yet to turn up in Pennsylvania, but it still has leaders in the farming community pretty concerned- so much that poultry was excluded from exhibition at this year’s Lebanon County Fair.
            “Lebanon County has a huge stake in this if the flu hits PA,” said Angie Foltz
Program Specialist for the Lebanon County Conservation District, which serves one of the leading egg and poultry producing counties in the region. “It is worth pointing out how easily transferred this disease is and to remind all hunters of some basic bio-security tips.”
            USDA’s “Guidance for Hunters” offers various recommendations for sportsmen- especially those with their own domestic flocks at home- to keep themselves and their birds safe from the AI virus.
These guidelines include:
  • Dress game birds in the field whenever possible. If you must dress birds at home, clean them in an area your poultry and pet birds cannot access. Ideally, there would be a solid barrier between your game cleaning area and where your birds are housed.
  • Keep a separate pair of shoes to wear only in your game cleaning area. If this is not possible, wear rubber footwear and clean/disinfect your shoes before entering or leaving the area.
  • Use dedicated tools for cleaning game, whether in the field or at home. Do not use those tools around your poultry or pet birds.
  • Always wear rubber gloves when cleaning game. Double bag the offal and feathers. Tie the inner bag, and be sure to take off your rubber gloves and leave them in the outer bag before tying it closed.
  • Place the bag in a trashcan that poultry and pet birds cannot access. This trashcan should also be secure against access by children, pets or other animals.
  • Wash hands with soap and water immediately after handling game. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol wipes.
  • Wash all tools and work surfaces with soap and water. Then, disinfect them.
  • Avoid cross-contamination. Keep uncooked game in a separate container, away from cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
  • Cook game meat thoroughly; poultry should reach an internal temperature of 165 °F to kill disease organisms and parasites.
            Through diligent sanitation efforts, successful migratory bird hunters can do their part to prevent the spread of avian flu through our wild and domestic flocks. By practicing good shooting form and adhering to current regulations, those same hunters will be better equipped to safely enjoy the successful outings they desire. 

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!



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