Spring's arrival marks return to outdoor pursuits
Spring’s arrival marks return to outdoor pursuits
By Tyler Frantz
Here in Pennsylvania, we are spoiled by the good fortune of experiencing all four seasons; it’s actually one of the things I love most about living here. While fall typically takes the lead as my favorite season, spring makes a pretty compelling argument for second place.
A beautiful spring day with birds chirping, flowers blooming and a warm breeze blowing across the landscape is tough to beat in terms of being outdoors. It’s a perfect time for tilling the vegetable garden, firing up the lawn tractor and cooking steaks on the grill.
I always look forward to those first bluebird days of the new season, as they offer opportunities to get outside again and experience some pleasant weather for a change- though winter’s remnants still surely hold a final cold snap or two. The point is it will only improve from here.

I have taken advantage of the fair weather bestowed upon us the past few weeks. Between coaching soccer, teaching, writing, and family time, I’ve still been able to squeeze in some occasional outdoor recreation activities- simple pleasures for which I am very thankful.
My Johnboat is out of the barn, hosed off and ready to navigate deep trout waters. The trolling motor battery, which spent the winter in my heated basement, is fully charged, and the trailer’s spare tire now sports a fresh new inner tube. If all went as planned, the maiden voyage should’ve taken place by the time of this article’s publication.

With 42-degree water temperatures, the rainbow trout were plentiful but sluggish; I caught four on egg pattern flies in about two hours of fishing. Officer Deppen of the PA Fish and Boat Commission stopped by to check on the bite and make sure everything was legal. Seeing all was in order, he wished me well and continued on his way. It’s always nice seeing our water resources protected.
Last Saturday, I was fortunate to get in a bit of upland bird hunting with my dad Steve, my brother Travis, his wife Marissa and their pup Hazel. Their young Hungarian Vizsla is a pointing breed, and she’s been receiving training since last fall at Pheasant Valley Farm in Robesonia.

Though a heavy morning rain saturated the ground, making the birds somewhat uncooperative, Hazel demonstrated incredible poise for a young pup, and found almost all the birds. Despite spotty shooting, we ended up bringing 9 chukars home for roasting, plus a bonus black phase pheasant that flew into our hunt zone. It was a great day for Hazel and a fun time spent with family.
Now pushing a year old, my son Foster got out for his first official shed antler hunt a few weeks ago. Bundled up and strapped into his baby carrier pack, he joined Dad, Mom and bird dog Cali as we scoured the farm for cast deer antlers.

As trout season continues in southeastern PA, the statewide opener appears to be the next big event on the outdoor calendar. But before long, we’ll be switching gears back to thoughts of hunting opportunities.
A few trail cameras are already rolling to aid in my preseason turkey scouting, as I’m hoping to key in on a nice mature gobbler this spring. I know they’re out there; it’s just a matter of figuring out how to fool them into range. Time will prove the results of my efforts.
I also ordered my food plot seed for spring planting- remaining forever cognizant of the need for fall archery preparations well in advance of the season. I know it’s a little early to think about deer hunting, but there’s no time like the present to get a jumpstart on things.
Outdoor pursuits are a never-ending saga, but at least when the weather is nice, the quest is more enjoyable. Step outside, and draw in a deep breath; the feeling is invigorating. Ah, it’s springtime at last!
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