Tastes of Spring

Tastes of Spring: Gather wild edibles while hunting and fishing 


Some scientists believe the first humans arrived in present-day Pennsylvania nearly 18,000 years ago. However, farming wasn’t regularly practiced until roughly 15,000 years later, when the Eastern Woodland Indians settled in small villages along the fertile banks of rivers and lakes. 

In the thousands of generations that passed between their arrival and the advent of farming, natives lived primarily in roving bands of hunter-gatherers, acquiring all the food they needed from nature in the form of animal flesh, nuts, berries, seeds and other wild edibles. 

Since then, the human race has made innumerable advances in food production- from large scale factory farms to genetically altered vegetable seeds. But some prefer a simpler, healthier alternative for acquiring food, and much like PA’s inhabitants from ages past, they still gather a variety of tasty morsels while hunting and fishing. 

One such man is Larry Primeau, a self-employed general contractor from Pine Grove. From serving his community as a volunteer firefighter and former Boy Scout leader to staying active in the outdoors as an avid hunter, angler and wilderness survival expert, Primeau certainly has a lot on his plate.  

But it is the plate itself - or rather, the natural foods he gathers to place on it- that Primeau is most passionate about sharing with others. 

Primeau is a self-taught wild food guru who has studied native plants, environment and mycology since 1980- a process he says never ceases. He regularly shares his enlightening “Taste of the Wild” tips on a variety of facebook pages for all to learn and enjoy and also co-hosts the annual Schuylkill Co. Outdoors Wild Foods Dinner. 

“Most people can look out their window and see nearly a dozen varieties of food in their own backyards and not even know it,” Primeau said. “With spring green up, nature provides a bounty of foods for the forager to gather and enjoy. From the simplest of greens to the vast array of wild mushrooms- they are all bursting from the ground, waiting for us to savor their wonderful flavors at our dinner tables.”       
For starters, Primeau suggests “locavore foodies” look no further than one of the most commonly prolific backyard invaders- the lowly dandelion. 

Dandelions are truly the harbingers of the spring green edibles,” Primeau said. “Folks during the Great Depression survived by gathering up dandelion greens to feed their families, along with a few extra bushels to sell at the market. For generations, families have enjoyed fresh dandelion salads with hot bacon dressing, and it is still popular today.”

But there is so much more: salad greens, plantains, violets and potherbs can be found in great abundance throughout spring, with the first growth of these tender plants being the most palatable.
“Garlic mustard, winter cress, wild mustard (the precursor to our common mustard), plus yellow and curly dock all grow in the same areas as dandelions. Each adds its own unique flavor to popular dishes. Many times, the best places to locate these specimens are on the edges of fallow fields or warm stream valleys.”

The wild onion is another of Primeau’s favorites. He vividly recalls the days of his youth when he snatched up small bundles of the bulbous plant to fry along with a fresh catch of trout for tasty creek-side meals. Their shoots can also be diced and used as a zingy substitute for chives.
“Mushrooms are also beginning to show in some areas,” said Primeau. “While many search for the holy grail of spring mushrooms- the morel, I’ll never turn down a tree filled with oyster mushrooms. Nothing beats a morning omelet with fresh mushrooms!”

Though wild mushroom gathering can be quite rewarding, it is important to always seek expert advice before consuming them. For the beginning gatherer, there are a couple of species that are nearly foolproof, but others can cause gastric distress and severe illness.

In fact, Primeau strongly recommends new foragers only consume wild edibles they can positively identify using a reliable resource guide, and even then in small quantities to ensure their stomachs can tolerate them first. 

“There are a number of resources to help take on the adventure of gathering and foraging. Pocket guides can be stuffed into daypacks for quick reference on hikes, and smart-phone Internet technology is a great resource for double-checking in the field before bringing home a bounty.”
“With a vast array of natural foods available for those willing to try gathering edibles, it is up to individuals to responsibly educate themselves on plants most appropriate for human consumption,” Primeau said.

“Education is our key to survival. Knowing the foods humans have used since the dawn of time and getting back to our wild roots may be the real key to a healthier future. Plus, it can turn a bad day of fishing or hunting into great day of foraging; you just need to know what to look for.”

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit www.naturalpursuitoutdoors.com. Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!



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