Sportsmen enjoy a taste of the wild outdoors

Sportsmen enjoy a taste of the wild outdoors
By Tyler Frantz
            The brief respite between winter hunting/trapping seasons and spring turkey and fishing seasons can often leave savvy outdoorsmen stuck in a strange state of limbo. They are forced to bide their time, tidying gear and making future plans, until their celebrated return to the outdoors.
            But this brief window is also the perfect time for a different kind of celebration- one that requires little more than a few successful hunts, a bit of creative culinary craft and a venue large enough to host a crowd of hungry appetites.
            Erin and I recently attended one such gathering- the Schuylkill Co. Outdoors & Taste of the Wild’s 3rd Annual Wild Foods Dinner, held at Pine Grove’s HH&L Fire Company on Saturday, February 27th
            We had the opportunity to sample a number of tasty entrees, including roasted antelope, whitetail pastrami, teriyaki turtle sticks, groundhog kabobs, elk chili and fresh wild greens with hot bear bacon dressing.
            Other dishes included tuna, smoked raccoon, wood duck lo mein, bear enchiladas, butter broiled stingray, baked pheasant, bacon wrapped chukar, squirrel pot pie, deer lasagna, wild mushrooms, goose with sauerkraut- and the list goes on.
            Oh yes- I can’t forget the hot and spicy mystery meat, which turned out to be opossum. My wife and I both tried it before we knew what it was, and I’ll have to admit, it surprisingly wasn’t too bad.
            The event, which attracted close to 200 attendees, featured live acoustic entertainment by Dave Hartranft, a special guest appearance by the Sportsman Channel’s Corey Brossman of Innerloc’s Out-There TV and vendor displays by Spittler’s European Mounts and Hydrographics, Natural Pursuit Outdoors, Hornberger Custom Calls, LaBella Huntress Designs and Delta Waterfowl.
             Larry Primeau, a contractor from Pine Grove and Bo Rogers, a teacher from Minersville, decided to organize the event after meeting on facebook and realizing they shared a common interest. Rogers administers the Schuylkill County Outdoors facebook page, on which Primeau regularly shares tips and recipes for wild edibles and game meat.
            “I wanted to host a wild game dinner for some time because of the fun I had as a kid at deer roasts with my dad, Rogers said. “Seeing Larry's posts made it a no brainer with all of his wild food experiences, so I proposed the idea to him. He agreed, and three years ago, we set the first one up in a month’s time.”
            Approximately 80 people attended the first dinner, 140 came last year, and it has now exploded to nearly 200 patrons, a true testament to the power of facebook, through which over 95% of event advertising was carried out. Plus, folks really seem to enjoy it.
            “I think it has grown so big so quickly because of the camaraderie of the people, the entertainment and, of course, the food,” said Rogers. “We had approximately 15-18 different wild game species at our dinner. Where else can you try possum, blue marlin, beaver, muskrat, PA elk, etc. all under one roof for $15?”
            “The event’s success comes from the variety and taste of the dishes we create to share with each other,” Primeau added. “Today’s reality shows have established a new awareness to the goodness of wild foods nature offers us. Making efficient and tasty use of wild game and plants is not only a right, but a responsibility we all should share.”
            Organizing an event of this magnitude, let alone preparing so much food for so many, requires a lot of time and energy from the hosts. But they regard the payoff as well worth the price invested.
            “It is definitely a lot of work to get things together,” Rogers said. “Attaining donations is somewhat difficult, food-wise. You never know what we will be serving from year to year. Although, prize donations seem to come easier and easier as the dinner grows.”
            “Buying products throughout the year, talking with others and looking for donations from other sportsmen is the toughest part- just coordinating everything and balancing out our working lives,” Primeau said.  
            “But seeing the enjoyment and surprise of many individuals tasting game for the first time- especially the kids with their eagerness to try almost anything you put before them while giggling at their squeamish parents or siblings- provides a great deal of personal satisfaction.  A memory is created and perhaps even a new tradition,” Primeau explained.
            “Starting last year I wanted to make sure every child received a prize,” Rogers said. “Last year, each kid received a goodie bag from Bass Pro and Custom Gun Finishes. This year, Fishin’ Stix donated 4-dozen rod holders. If my calculations are correct, I think we had 44 kids attend.”
            “I love seeing that the most,” Rogers said. “As we all know, the kids are our sport’s future. I love taking my kids along to help harvest the game we serve. This year we caught snapping turtles and trapped the raccoon and possum together. My sons love the outdoors. Seeing it go from field to table makes it even more worthwhile.”
            Primeau and Rogers are planning to begin a scholarship fund to help support youth in the outdoors from the donations received at each year’s game dinner. At this rate, they’ll have plenty of youngsters hooked on wild game, meaning even more delicious entrees in years to come.

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!

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