Simcoe Bass Opener Live Blog: Day 3


My dad smashed this huge bass right off the dock - details below:


If you're wondering why I'm holding a perch, there are two reasons: first, I woke up at 10 am today; second, the wind really picked up in the afternoon. I tried a little bass fishing just before noon - there didn't seem to be any active fish in my area, so I moved to some deep water using a KVD Dream Shot. I caught a few small perch and then took a lunch break. The wind was wreaking havoc, so I started targeting perch instead. I downsized my bait, using a small white grub on a drop shot rig. After a few little guys, I managed to get a decent one in about 20 feet of water, off a point:
If the weather holds up, I'll go out for a few more hours in the evening, so stay tuned...


I went out with my sister for about an hour or so to do some perch fishing. After landing only little guys, I went back to the shallows since by then the wind had died down a bit. As I'm casting a crankbait towards shore, I ask my dad, who's fishing on the dock, if he wants to get on the boat. Wisely, he declines the invitation, as a few minutes later, I see his rod bent like crazy. I yell to him: "Don't try pulling it up! I'm coming with the net!"

In about 30 seconds, I'm at the dock, and my sister gets the fish in the net - what a chunky hog. My dad was swimming an old yellow grub on a black jig-head using spinning gear with 10 lb. braid and a mono leader. Sometimes the old simple baits work best. My sister and dad then switch spots and we do a little more fishing as the sun sets. Nothing too exciting, other than a nice topwater strike using a Live Target Tilapia Wakebait.
So puny...
 One more day, I'll start nice and early tomorrow, and next weekend I might have a chance to do a little bass fishing on Lake Muskoka.

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