Pokemon Gold Version - Kanto (Part V)

Now that we've got our 13th gym badge, head east from Celadon City to a very short route.

Route 7

Houndour and Murkrow are both Dark types, though it's a little late in the game now to be training up a new party member. If you have several hours to kill and really want to use one though, that's up to you. Either way, when you're done on the route exit east back to Saffron City.

Enter this house on the west side of town and ascend to the upper floor to find a girl who bemoans the loss of her favourite Poke Doll. Being the good people we are, we of course are going to be do something about that. Just not yet. Exit Saffron City to the east only if you want to fight a few extra trainers.

Route 8

Spr GS Biker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Biker Dwayne || ¥960
Koffing Lv.27 || Poison || 658 exp
Koffing Lv.28 || Poison || 684 exp
Koffing Lv.29 || Poison || 708 exp
Koffing Lv.30 || Poison || 732 exp

Spr GS Biker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Biker Harris || ¥1088
Flareon Lv.34 || Fire || 1441 exp

Spr GS Biker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Biker Zeke || ¥1024
Koffing Lv.32 || Poison || 781 exp
Koffing Lv.32 || Poison || 781 exp

Spr GS Super Nerd.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Super Nerd Sam || ¥1088
Grimer Lv.34 || Poison || 655 exp
Muk Lv.34 || Poison || 1143 exp

Spr GS Super Nerd.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Super Nerd Tom || ¥1024
Magnemite Lv.32 || Electric / Steel || 609 exp
Magnemite Lv.32 || Electric / Steel || 609 exp
Magnemite Lv.32 || Electric / Steel || 609 exp

Get the PrzCureBerry from the tree to the east and then fly back to Saffron City. This time exit to the north.

Enter this building, which was blocked off the last time we came this way by a police officer. This is the Underground Path, and it has a couple hidden items as well as conveniently taking us to our next destination.

The first item is located about six or seven paces directly south of the stairs we entered the tunnel from.

The other item is about six more steps south, but over in a different row as you can see. This is just before the exit stairs come into view. When you're done, take he southern steps outside and continue south into Vermillion City.

Enter the Pokemon Fan Club (directly north of the gym) and talk to the man in the blue shirt to receive the Lost Item. Whenever you feel inclined to do so, return this to the girl in Saffron City to get a Pass for the magnet train. We can now travel between Saffron City and Goldenrod City any time we wish. For now though, we have more business in Vermillion City - specifically on the path outside the southeast exit.

This big ol' sleepy bear is blocking our path, as Snorlaxes often do. Luckily we now have an upgraded Pokegear. Go into the radio and find the "Poke Flute" station near the right end of the tuning scale, then exit out and talk to the sleeping Pokemon to end up in a battle.

|| Snorlax Lv.50 || Normal ||
|| Body Slam
|| Rest
|| Snore
|| Rollout

This fight is actually pretty tough, if you want to catch Snorlax you're going to need a lot of patience and just as much healing items and poke balls. Heavy Balls work the best if you've had Kurt make some for you, but let's be honest, you probably haven't. Status-inflicting moves are useless because Snorlax will cancel them out by using Rest, which also completely restores its HP. And it knows Snore, so it can still attack while it's asleep! To make things worse, it is also holding the Leftovers item so it will recover HP each turn whether it uses Rest or not. Like I said, you're in for a frustrating battle.

Anyway, before we continue into the cave Snorlax was blocking, let's go east.

Route 11

One trainer is directly north of you when you enter.

Spr GS Psychic.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Psychic Fidel || ¥1088
Xatu Lv.34 || Psychic / Flying || 1245 exp

The next trainer is almost directly east.

Spr GS Youngster.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Youngster Jason || ¥528
Sandslash Lv.33 || Ground || 1152 exp
Crobat Lv.33 || Poison / Flying || 1441 exp

There's another trainer southeast of here.

Spr GS Youngster.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Yongster Owen || ¥560
Growlithe Lv.35 || Fire || 682 exp

The final trainer is northeast of here.

Spr GS Psychic.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Psychic Herman || ¥960
Exeggcute Lv.30 || Grass / Psychic || 630 exp
Exeggcute Lv.30 || Grass / Psychic || 630 exp
Exeggutor Lv.30 || Grass / Psychic || 1362 exp

Get this hidden item at the end of the route, then inspect the tree above you for a Berry. Make your way back to where you battled Snorlax and head inside the cave.

Diglett's Cave

Diglett and Dugtrio are super-fast Ground type Pokemon which you have very little use for at this point.

Grab this hidden item on your way through, and then exit at the north end of the cave.

Route 2
Ledyba (S)
Ledian (S)
Spinarak (G)
Ariados (G)

After exiting, go northeast and get the Carbos waiting for you here. Next, enter the house south of the cave and talk to the man here to receive a Nugget. Don't worry about anything else for right now, just cut down the tree to the left of Diglett's cave and head north. There is a lone trainer here.

Spr GS Bug Catcher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Bug Catcher Ed || ¥480
Beedrill Lv.30 || Bug / Poison || 1021 exp
Beedrill Lv.30 || Bug / Poison || 1021 exp
Beedrill Lv.30 || Bug / Poison || 1021 exp

Now head north into the city.

Doesn't that sound thrilling. Anyway, there's a man in the Pokemon Center who wants you to give him a Gloom in exchange for his Rapidash. I guess that's a good trade? We also have a couple things to collect here.

Talk to this old man on the east side of town to receive the Silver Wing if you're playing Gold version, or the Rainbow Wing if you're playing Silver version. This will allow you to encounter and fight/capture the legendary mascot for the opposite version. North of this man are two trees which will give you a Mint Berry and an Ice Berry respectively. Now we can head to the gym on the west side of town.

Pewter City Gym Challenge
The only trainer here has only a pure Ground type Pokemon, but the theme is supposed to be Rock types. These Pokemon are vulnerable to Grass, Water, Fighting, and Ground, and Steel types (Just the first two for Ground types). Many Rock Pokemon are also Ground-type, which means they may know moves that are super effective against Steel types. Note that partial Ground types will also be completely immune to Electric attacks. Flying Pokemon are immune to Ground attacks but weak to Rock, so you should leave them out of the fray. Fire types are also a bad pick, and Rock types will resist Normal-type attacks.

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Jerry || ¥740
Sandslash Lv.37 || Ground || 1291 exp

Spr GS Brock.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Leader Brock || ¥4200
Graveler Lv.41 || Rock / Ground || 1176 exp
Rhyhorn Lv.41 || Ground / Rock || 1185 exp
Omastar Lv.42 || Rock / Water || 1791 exp
Onix Lv.44 || Rock / Ground || 1017 exp
Kabutops Lv.42 || Rock / Water || 1809 exp

Whoo, and number fourteen is ours! That's all I'm going to do for this section, we have a lot of trainers on our way to the next gym, and very soon after that we'll be on to our final challenge. Yay final challenge!

Boulder Badge.png

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