Pokemon Gold Version - Kanto (Part VI)

For our next section, we're going to start off on the route east of Pewter City.  

Route 3

As you go along, you'll see a trainer to the north.

Spr GS Youngster.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Youngster Warren || ¥560
Fearow Lv.35 || Normal / Flying || 1215 exp

Keep going until you see another trainer, ignore the ledges in between. 

Spr GS Youngster.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Youngster Jimmy || ¥528
Raticate Lv.33 || Normal || 819 exp
Arbok Lv.33 || Poison || 1039 exp

Go southwest for a type of trainer we haven't seen in a while.

Spr GS Firebreather.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Firebreather Otis || ¥1392
Magmar Lv.29 || Fire || 1036 exp
Weezing Lv.32 || Poison || 1185 exp
Magmar Lv.29 || Fire || 1036 exp

Continue on the linear path.

Spr GS Firebreather.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Firebreather Burt || ¥1536
Koffing Lv.32 || Poison || 781 exp
Slugma Lv.32 || Fire || 534 exp

Head north and into the cave entrance for a little surprise.

Spr GS Silver 2.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Rival || ¥4500
Sneasel Lv.41 || Dark / Ice || 1159 exp
Golbat Lv.42 || Poison / Flying || 1539 exp
Magneton Lv.41 || Electric / Steel || 1414 exp
Gengar Lv.43 || Ghost / Poison || 1750 exp
Alakazam Lv.43 || Psychic || 1713 exp
Meganium Lv.45 || Grass || 2005 exp

Mt. Moon

If it's a Monday, take the northeast stairs out of the cave and make your way all the way to the west to find two Clefairy dancing around a rock. After they run off, use Rock Smash on it and inspect underneath to get a Moon Stone. There is also a shop here which is open every day from 10am to 5:59pm.

If it's not a Monday, or you are done getting the Moon Stone, make your way to the stairs at the southeast end of the first chamber (the second cave in the Clefairy area has a shortcut here) and exit onto Route 4.

Route 4

You will see a trainer right away.

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Picnicker Hope || ¥680
|| Flaaffy Lv.34 || Electric || 852 exp

Northwest of her is this hidden item, then over to the right is another trainer.

Spr GS Bird Keeper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Bird Keeper Hank || ¥816
|| Pidgey Lv.12 || Normal / Flying || 141 exp
|| Pidgeot Lv.34 || Normal / Flying || 1252 exp

There is another girl over to the right.

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Picnicker Sharon || ¥660
|| Furret Lv.31 || Normal || 769 exp
|| Rapidash Lv.33 || Fire || 1357 exp

Above her is this item ball containing a Hp Up. Fly back to Pewter City now, and exit to the south. We're going to take the path running downward west of Diglett's Cave.

Route 2

As you go along you will see an item ball out in the open, inspect it for a Max Potion.

Grab this hidden item along the way as well.

Grab another hidden item before carrying on and picking a PsnCureBerry from the tree along the way.

Get these other two hidden items, as well as a Dire Hit just a few steps south and west from the second picture. As you exit out into the main part of the route, ignore the first small bush and continue south to fight two trainers.

Spr GS Bug Catcher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Bug Catcher Doug || ¥544
|| Ariados Lv.34 || Bug / Poison || 975 exp

Spr GS Bug Catcher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Bug Catcher Rob || ¥512
|| Beedrill Lv.32 || Bug / Poison || 1089 exp
|| Butterfree Lv.32 || Bug / Flying || 1096 exp

East of the second trainer are two more bushes; use Cut on either one, both will allow you to reach the item ball with an Elixer.

Continue south and you will enter the next city.

There are only a couple things of note here, one of which being the Trainer House near the center of town. You can go downstairs to battle a trainer once per day - if you've recently used the Mystery Gift feature, it will be the player who you last connected with. If you've never used it, your opponent will be Cal.

Spr GS Ethan.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Pokemon Trainer Cal || ¥5000
|| Meganium Lv.50 || Grass || 2227 exp
|| Typhlosion Lv.50 || Fire || 2238 exp
|| Feraligatr Lv.50 || Water || 2250 exp

Keep this place in mind, as it will be one of your best places to level up for right now.

The only other thing of note for right now is this guy taking a nap on the west side of the city. Cut down the bush blocking him in and speak to him for TM42 Dream Eater. Over to the west is Route 22, but we have no business there right now. Instead, exit south of the city to Route 1.

Route 1

Get this berry on the left side of the route and then continue south to find a trainer.

Spr GS Schoolboy.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Schoolboy Danny || ¥992
|| Jynx Lv.31 || Ice / Psychic || 909 exp
|| Magmar Lv.31 || Fire || 1108 exp
|| Electabuzz Lv.31 || Electric || 1035 exp

Further south is another. 

Spr GS Cooltrainer F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Cooltrainer Quinn || ¥1824
|| Ivysaur Lv.38 || Grass / Poison || 1147 exp
|| Starmie Lv.38 || Water / Psychic || 1684 exp

South of the female trainer is Pallet Town, which has absolutely nothing of interest, so continue south and Surf out onto the sea.

Route 21
Mr. Mime

Continue south to find a trainer in the water, and southeast from her another.

Spr GS Swimmer F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Swimmer♀ Nikki || ¥560
|| Seel Lv.28 || Water || 600 exp
|| Seel Lv.28 || Water || 600 exp
|| Seel Lv.28 || Water || 600 exp
|| Dewgong Lv.28 || Water / Ice || 1056 exp

Spr GS Fisher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Fisher Arnold || ¥1360
|| Tentacruel Lv.34 || Water / Poison || 1492 exp

Southwest is another trainer.

Spr GS Swimmer M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Swimmer♂ Seth || ¥256
|| Quagsire Lv.29 || Water / Ground || 850 exp
|| Octillery Lv.29 || Water || 1018 exp
|| Quagsire Lv.32 || Water / Ground || 939 exp

Continue to south to what is labelled as a town, but is actually just a Pokemon Center on an island.

Talk to the man you see here and he will Fly away.

Get this hidden item to the north, then surf east out onto Route 20.

Route 20

You will spot your first trainer if you just keep heading straight east.

Spr GS Swimmer M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Swimmer♂ Cameron || ¥272
|| Marill Lv.34 || Water || 421 exp

After this you'll see a small island with a cave. Though you wouldn't expect it, this houses our next gym leader.

Seafoam Island Gym Challenge
The only person here is the leader, Blaine. He uses Fire-type Pokemon which are weak to Ground, Rock, and Water attacks. Grass, Ice, Steel, and Bug Pokemon will be at a disadvantage here. Dragon-types will resist Fire attacks but are not super-effective.

Spr GS Blaine.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
|| Leader Blaine || ¥5000
|| Magcargo Lv.45 || Fire / Rock || 1485 exp
|| Magmar Lv.45 || Fire || 1609 exp
|| Rapidash Lv.50 || Fire || 2056 exp

And that's all for now! Next time we will wrap up the Kanto section of our adventure! 

Volcano Badge.png

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