Pokemon Gold Version - Kanto (Part IV)

There isn't much of interest here except a Burnt Berry tree in the northwest corner of the city, so let's go straight to the gym!

Fuchsia City Gym Challenge
The trainers here use Poison type Pokemon, so Psychic and Ground are your best bets. You'll want to stay away from using Grass, Fighting, or Bug types and bring some Antidotes.

The first trainer is directly north of the entrance.

Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Linda || ¥816
Bulbasaur Lv.30 || Grass / Poison || 411 exp
Ivysaur Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 966 exp
Venusaur Lv.34 || Grass / Poison || 1515 exp

Next, go north along the east wall.

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Picnicker Cindy || ¥720
Nidoqueen Lv.36 || Poison / Ground || 1495 exp

Go west from here for the next trainer.

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Barry || ¥720
Nidoking Lv.36 || Poison  / Ground || 1503 exp

Go south from here and there will be a trainer to your east and south. Go east first.

Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Alice || ¥720
Gloom Lv.30 || Grass / Poison || 847 exp
Arbok Lv.34 || Poison || 1071 exp
Gloom Lv.30 || Grass / Poison || 847 exp

Now head south for the last trainer, which turns out to be the gym leader.

Spr GS Janine.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Leader Janine || ¥7800
Crobat Lv.36 || Poison / Flying || 1573 exp
Weezing Lv.36 || Poison || 1333 exp
Weezing Lv.36 || Poison || 1333 exp
Ariados Lv.33 || Bug / Poison || 946 exp
Venomoth Lv.39 || Bug / Poison || 1152 exp

For your victory you will receive TM06 Toxic as well as the Soul Badge. Yaaaaay! Only four more to go!

Soul Badge.png.

We're all done with this city, so take the exit northwest of the gym.

Route 18

Spr GS Bird Keeper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Bird Keeper Boris || ¥768
Doduo Lv.30 || Normal / Flying || 616 exp
Doduo Lv.28 || Normal / Flying || 576 exp
Dodrio Lv.32 || Normal / Flying || 1083 exp

Spr GS Bird Keeper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Bird Keeper Bob || ¥816
Noctowl Lv.34 || Normal / Flying || 1179 exp

Pass through the gate now, where you will be forced to mount your bicycle.

Route 16

Your progress on this route will be very slow, as it's an uphill climb (apparently the only hill in the world). As you enter the main path, there will be a trainer right above you.

Spr GS Biker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Biker Charles || ¥1920
Koffing Lv.30 || Poison || 732 exp
Charmeleon Lv.30 || Fire || 912 exp
Weezing Lv.30 || Poison || 1111 exp

Get this hidden item directly above him. From here, the route is split into three different paths. Let's head straight up the right-hand side first.

Right Path

Spr GS Biker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Biker Joel || ¥1024
Magmar Lv.32 || Fire || 1144 exp
Magmar Lv.32 || Fire || 1144 exp

Simple.  There is a hidden item in the grass up here, but it can be a bit difficult to investigate the right spot when you're being pulled down the hill.

It's right here though, so just keep going up and down mashing the A button.

Now you have a choice. I find it's probably easiest to go northwest and enter the city now, then come back. That way when you get to the bottom again you can just fly back instead of crawling up the hill. No matter what your choice is, here are the rest of the trainers.

Left Path

Spr GS Biker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Biker Riley || ¥1088
Weezing Lv.34 || Poison || 1260 exp

Spr GS Biker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Biker Glenn || ¥1024
Koffing Lv.28 || Poison || 684 exp
Magmar Lv.30 || Fire || 1072 exp
Weezing Lv.32 || Poison || 1185 exp

Whether you're flying or biking, head to Celadon City through the gate on the right-hand side of the route's north edge.

There is quite a bit to do here, and even though the gym is right below where we enter, we'll take care of that last for organizational purposes.

To start then, go all the way to the southeast corner of the city for this hidden item. On your way back out, enter the only building with a door (must be inconvenient for the people living in the other buildings) and inspect the garbage can for the Leftovers. This item will restore a little bit of HP every turn when held by one of your Pokemon. North of here is a small pond where you can surf around to find Grimer and Muk, though you should have had no problem finding them on the previous two routes.

East of the pond you will find the Celadon City game corner. If you talk to the guy in the red shirt he'll give you 1 Coin... geez. They're sure not as generous as they used to be. Other than that, this part's the same.

For prizes this time you can get;
TM32 Double Team (1500 coins)
TM29 Psychic (3500 coins)
TM15 Hyper Beam (7500 coins)

Mr. Mime (3333 coins)
Eevee (6666 coins)
Porygon (9999 coins)

When you're done with the game corner, head north to find the Pokemon Center. Take the eastern path that leads up, and follow it to the back door of Celadon Mansion. Go up to the top floor and talk to the man there to get TM03 Curse.

Finally, over on the west end of town is the department store. Up on the fifth floor you can buy TM10 Hidden Power, TM11 Sunny Day, TM17 Detect, TM18 Rain Dance and TM37 Sandstorm. There isn't really anything else of interest in here. That's all of the side stuff, off to the gym we go!

Celadon City Gym Challenge
The trainers here use mostly grass-type Pokemon - so fire and flying work very well. Bug types are also super effective, but as I mentioned back at Sabrina's gym there aren't many useful bug type moves. You could also use a Poison type, though many of the Pokemon in use are part poison themselves. Ice works well too though most ice types are also part Water or Ground.

Spr GS Twins.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Twins Jo & Zoe || ¥700
Victreebel Lv.35 || Grass / Poison || 1432 exp
Vileplume Lv.35 || Grass / Poison || 1380 exp

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Picnicker Tanya || ¥740
Exeggutor Lv.37 || Grass / Psychic || 1680 exp

Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Michelle || ¥816
Skiploom Lv.32 || Grass / Flying || 931 exp
Jumpluff Lv.34 || Grass / Flying || 1281 exp
Hoppip Lv.33 || Grass / Flying || 522 exp

Spr GS Beauty.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Beauty Julia || ¥3080
Paras Lv.32 || Bug / Grass || 480 exp
Exeggcute Lv.32 || Grass / Psychic || 672 exp
Parasect Lv.35 || Bug / Grass || 960 exp

Spr GS Erika.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Leader Erika || ¥4600
Tangela Lv.42 || Grass || 1494 exp
Jumpluff Lv.41 || Grass / Flying || 1545 exp
Victreebel Lv.46 || Grass / Poison || 1882 exp
Bellossom Lv.46 || Grass || 1813 exp

After her defeat Erika will also give you TM19 Giga Drain. Isn't that nice of her!

Rainbow Badge.png

That's it, that's all for this section!  Next time, a wee bit of backtracking and another gym badge!

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