CBF: Act Now To Oppose Bill Removing Protection For Endangered Species, Wild Trout

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA is urging its members to oppose House Bill 1576 (Pyle-R-Armstrong) that if passed could change stream classifications and protections in Pennsylvania for native brook trout and rare, threatened and endangered species in Pennsylvania.
On behalf of the Pennsylvania native brook trout, our state fish and an icon of clean water–please join CBF in telling our representatives to vote "NO" on House Bill 1576.
Since 1969, Pennsylvania's top scientists at the Fish and Boat Commission have used scientific analysis to look for naturally reproducing native brook trout populations in the Commonwealth's most remote and unspoiled streams.  
When found by scientists, the sections of stream where they live and breed qualifies for special protection standards by the Department of Environmental Protection.   
If passed, House Bill 1576 could inject politics into that decision-making process that for more than 40 years has been science based.
Click Here to tell legislators to oppose House Bill 1576.

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