US Constitution is Law of the Land - and Includes the Second Amendment

Bob Barr, Townhall, wrote:
The fight to protect the Second Amendment from the clutches of the gun control crowd can feel much like the race between the tortoise and the hare made famous in Aesop’s Fables. Backed with huge budgets and armed with the moral elasticity to hijack any national tragedy to further their cause, gun control proponents employ flashy ads, emotional rhetoric and outright bullying to push their way to the forefront of the public debate. Meanwhile, Second Amendment supporters toil through the court system, winning occasional hard-fought victories in the drive to dismantle decades of laws designed to rob us of one of our most sacred natural rights. One of those victories came last week, when a U.S. District Court judge in Texas found the federal interstate handgun transfer ban, established by the Gun Control Act of 1968 to be unconstitutional.
The court case was Mance v. Holder over not allowing a couple from Washington DC to purchase a pair of handguns from a firearms retailer in Arlington, Texas.
The Republican majority Congress is working on gaining momentum to ensure Second Amendment rights to ALL US citizens in every state of the Union. Senator John Cornyn of Texas introduced the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, legislation that would ensure that if a citizen possess a permit for the concealed carry of a firearm in one state, it must be recognized in any other state with concealed carry laws. Yet, according to the US Constitution's Second and Tenth amendments, EVERY state should be complying with the Second Amendment and that includes allowing qualified citizens to have and use a concealed carry permit.

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