7/6/13 Public Pond Fishing

So far it has been one of the rainiest summers in recent memory. For the past few weeks nearly everyday the forecast has been for a 30% or higher chance of scattered t-storms. This has caused most of our local creeks to be blown out. Saturday, to avoid the holiday crowds and blown out creeks I decided to hit some public ponds that I expected to be vacant. Ever since getting kayaks there has been a few ponds that I've had on my list of places to fish as they are tough or impossible to fish from the bank due to weeds or cattails. It was supposed to rain but I was going fishing regardless.

I arrived at the first pond around noon and prepared for the 100 yard journey from the parking area to the pond. This pond is about 2 acres and has intense moss around the entire shoreline. My game plan for the day was a Strike King Tri-Wing buzz bait in chartreuse and a black and blue 4" Berkley Chigger Craw jig. Black and blue is one of the best colors for low light and muddy water.

 I made my first lap around the pond throwing the buzz bait without any bites. I generally like to throw baits in search of the really active bass before slowing things down with a jig. I switched to the jig for my second lap around. By this time it had started to rain and slowly developed into a soaking downpour. I put on my rain jacket and kept casting. The bottom of my NuCanoe soon collected an inch of water throughout the entire standing area. Halfway around with my jig the rain finally started to cease and I got my first largemouth of the day and a decent one. The largemouth went 15.75 inches and 1lb 14oz.
1lb 14oz 15.75 inch Largemouth Bass
I continued fishing the jig around the pond hoping id figured out a pattern. I failed to find any more bass after completing my second lap. I packed up and lugged my NuCanoe back up the 100 yard hill which was pretty exhausting.

I headed to the second pond I intended to fish. This pond is somewhat smaller, about a half acre with small lily pads so thick you can't even see water through them which span the entire shoreline. There are also extremely thick cattails around 50% of the shoreline. So this pond is very tough to fish anything but top water from the bank.

Since this pond was much smaller I only made one lap around and just alternated between the buzz bait and the jig. Halfway around I missed my first bite on buzz bait and it appeared to be a decent fish. Out came the rain once more but not quite a downpour like the previous shower. Ten minutes later in the same general area I got one on the buzz bait. This one was a little smaller but still decent at 14.25 inches and 1lb 2oz. The water at this pond wasn't muddy but very black. The visibility was about 2ft but the water still looked very dark. You could tell the bass had a darker color than normal as result of the water color.
1lb 2oz 14.25 inch Largemouth Bass
I finished my lap around the pond without any more bites. It was 5:00pm at this point and I was exhausted and soaked so I decided to call it a day. At this point I'm unsure if the numbers in these ponds are low or they just weren't biting. I was still happy to catch one decent fish out of each pond and now I can mark them off my list of places to fish for this year.

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