5/30/2014 Rocky Fork Lake Carp and Catfish

Last Friday, Stephanie and I decided to do some more bank fishing for carp and catfish at Rocky Fork Lake. We enjoyed the bank fishing from the previous Friday so much we wanted to give it another go. Stephanie also still wanted to catch her first carp. The trip was nearly identical to the previous trip as far as location, baits used, and times. I fished for bass until dark with no luck. Around 9pm Stephanie hooked up with the first carp of the evening. Unfortunately she elected not to hold the fish for a picture. It went 29" 10lbs 12oz.
29" 10lb 12oz Carp
I then went to work with the cast net. Last week I had got a couple shad on my first few throws, I hoped it would be that easy again. This time it took a little longer. After 20 throws or so I got our first shad and we quickly cast out our catfish rods. Another 10 throws and I got a second shad. I decided this would be enough for now as I was confident I could get more if needed. Not long after I finished throwing the net Stephanie got another good run. A several minute battle ensued before the carp finally surfaced and I seen that it was a mirror carp and a nice one too. I made sure she got a picture with this one as I was a little disappointed she didn't get a picture with her first one. It went 31" 15lbs 4oz.
31" 15lb 4oz Carp
31" 15lb 4oz Carp
Around 11pm we got the first catfish run. Again it was one of Stephanie's rods, she had the hot rods this night for sure. It was a 24" 5lb 12oz Channel Catfish.
24" 5lb 12oz Channel Catfish
To cap off her night Stephanie caught yet another carp around midnight. It went 25" 7lbs 4oz. By 2am we decided to pack it in. I ended the night with a skunk but was happy to see Stephanie catch some fish.

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