Live A Live: Wandering

After a small bit of dialogue you will be prompted to input a name for your character. For this chapter, it won't be a 'proper' name. He will be referred to as The ______ Kid. After much consideration, and a lot of things I wanted to use not fitting, I went with "Ravin" for mine. The game is a little unfair in that the default is Sundown, but you can only type 6 letters if you want to change it. Oh well. After a little bit more dialogue you'll enter a battle with Mad Dog.

All you need to do here is get diagonal to him and hit him with Double Shot. He'll retaliate with his own attack, and then you should take him out automatically with Multi-Counter.

You will arrive in Success Town, and for the time being all buildings are locked except the saloon to the west of where you enter. Head inside and check the jar behind the bar to get some Bourbon. No one seems to have much to say to you, but if you go upstairs into the middle room you'll have a woman shout at you. You even hear her lock the door when you leave. Very nice.

Talk to the bartender to start of some scenes, and a ruffian will knock you off your seat and buy you a glass of milk to taunt you. If you choose to drink it he'll just keep ordering more milk until you finally send it back. You'll be prompted by another taunt, and if you ignore him he'll keep urging you to say something. Why does the game give you choices if you're forced to pick a certain one anyway?

You'll be engaged in another battle, it's even easier than before. Afterward tell the kid "It's true" and when the talking is over make your way outside. No battle with Mad Dog this time, we're brought back inside where you have to talk to everyone around and then speak with our old chum the bounty hunter. You'll get the Peacekeeper's Badge.

Before we start collecting, take off all Mad Dog's equipment and give it to our main character (his boots offer more defense but no speed boost, so that one is subject to your preferences). Our main task from here is to collect traps to use against the incoming band of roughnecks. Start off by talking to Billy and getting the Slingshot. Note that cigars, bourbon and tequila are healing items and you may skip them if you want.

Go upstairs and head left, in the last room here you will find a chest containing a Cigar. Check the wardrobe in room in the middle room to get yelled at again, but then when you check the one in the next room you will get Barman's Poster. (It won't appear if you didn't check the other wardrobe)
Back down the stairs in the room on the right you can find Oil, Bourbon and Tequila among the jars and boxes (the right-most jar and middle chest are empty). In the room left of the bar there is another Bourbon. Head outside, where there are a fair bit of other items around for us to collect.

In the north-western building there are two Carrots in the northwest boxes and some Coal Tar in the barrel beside the cart. For the record, I have no idea what the coal tar does.
In the building south of here is another Carrot in a barrel, some Horse Dung among the haystack around the bottom-middle of the room, and an Empty Bottle in a box on the upper level.

The building between the two barns on the left has a door in behind some stairs where you can find some Oil in a jar.

In the barn left of the bar is a chest with another Tequila.
The building below has a Rope in a chest in a hidden room. Walk behind the stairs and go up to enter it.

The building below the bar has more Oil in a jar and a Carrot in the lower room, as well as a Frying Pan hanging on the wall. The frying pan can either be used as a trap or equipped.

The building to the right of the bar has a doorway in behind the stairs on the bottom level leading to a Cigar and another Empty Bottle. Upstairs in the far room is another Bourbon.
The barn south of here has a Shovel inside the cart.

In the sheriff's office you can find a Cigar on the desk and some Dynamite in the box on the right. There is also a Peacemaker in the gun rack. Upstairs there is a Buntline in the gun rack, its attack is weaker than the main character's current weapon but has a greater speed boost.
The building to the south of here just has another Empty Bottle.

Once you know where things are, you should be able to get every single item and be back to the bar before the third bell (of eight) goes off. Talk to the sheriff twice and tell him you've got everything you need, then we can start assigning people to the work.

Once you've sent Annie out to prepare a trap you can go to the middle room upstairs and get this. Both men can equip it, which is hilarious, but obviously it has very poor defense. If you show it to Annie as a trap for her to set up, you'll get slapped. What fun! As for the actual traps;

Have Annie set up the Frying Pan

Have Billy set up the Slingshot
Have Wayne's Wife set up the Rope
Have the sheriff set up the Dynamite
Have Wayne (purple hair) use the Shovel

Have anybody set up a Carrot
Have anybody set up a molotov cocktail
Have anybody set up the horse dung
Have anybody set up the barman's poster

This results in you just fighting the boss on his own. If you want a much greater challenge, don't set up any traps - but make sure you've collected all the healing items available. Also, as the gang rides into town you will view this chapter's Watanabe scene. If you fight him on his own you will get a different scene introducing the battle than usual, I believe it is the "truer" introduction. You will have Mad Dog for the fight either way, I just let him die on purpose.

Chapter Boss: O.Dio  [704 HP]
In this battle, it's very important to not stand in Dio's diagonal path or he will use a one hit kill move. His Warning Shot can also be bothersome because it will lower your level, and he will move around a bit to try to get you in the range of his gatling gun. Once in a while he'll throw molotov cocktails as well, but these missed me half the time and when they hit the results weren't anything serious. Just keep pelting him with Double Shot and he'll be done.

Once the battle is over you will have the option of dueling Mad Dog, which will result in him dying. As far as I know it really has no effect on the ending if you kill him besides maybe missing a few lines of dialogue.

And, that's it for the Old West chapter!

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