Live A Live: Mechanical Heart

I looove the foreboding audio of this scenario. Love it, love it, love it. The intro is chilling. Anyway, walkthrough stuff. This part is a bit different from most of the others in that there aren't any items to collect or battles to be fought (aside from a small side-section but you don't actually fight those battles with your character). There are however a few things you can do to achieve an automatic game over, so I'm going to be attempting to find those and point them all out.

On a side note, I love how the game says your character will become "intimately involved as events on board spiral out of control" and then it's like "Is this okay?" No, I don't think it is actually.

After the intro you'll have control over the robot. Check the panel next to the door for a bit of side information and then exit the room and speak to Kato. You'll be taken to a room where you will be registered as part of the crew. I'm naming the character Drive this time around.

From here you can pretty much explore the entire ship right away, though there isn't a whole lot to do. Go up two screens from the mother computer's room to find Kato, who will ask you to go and wake up the rest of the crew. Just go up and inspect each of the capsules and read through the dialogue that follows. When you're instructed to go to the break room exit the room to the north, then go up, left, and into the doorway on the left of this other screen. Talk to Huey and you will learn how to make coffee. Start distributing some to the crew members.

Rachel! I find that quite inappropriate! Anyway, once you've given coffee to Darth the captain will show up and will tell you he has nothing to say, so now we're supposed to go down to the lower level and see the behemoth. You can play the Captain Square game Kirk was standing in front of, but it's kind of tedious and you get nothing for it.

Exit the room from the bottom and go south three times and enter the elevator (it has a 2 in front of it). Go down to the first floor. Head north from here into the room on the right for a bit more dialogue and then you will have to go back to the elevator and up to Level 3. There's an elevator north of the behemoth's holding that will take you right next to your destination. Keep talking to people here and eventually Kato, Huey, and Kirk will leave to get the antenna fixed.

Exit the room and take the elevator just to your right down to level 1. Go left again for the airlock and enter to find Kirk and Huey having a dispute over something nondescript. Once Kirk and Kato are outside, Huey will return to the cockpit. Be warned not to fool around with the controls here, if you activate both the switches you will get sucked outside and face an instant game over. The game won't give you any warning, either. Back up to the cockpit we go.

We all know what that means, don't we? The life support system in Kirk's suit fails, and everyone rushes back off to the airlock. If you go here you won't find them however, so go to level 2 and take the right exit downward, then down three times and into the lower of two rooms here to reach the sick bay. Talk to Darth after the scenes to initiate another, and then everybody runs off again. Exit the medical room and go south twice, then up and left and find Rachel's quarters (top-right of four rooms). Enter and speak to her, then go back to the cockpit to find the antenna is completely broken off. You'll automatically end up back in the break room.

Exit here after the dialogue and go south to the living modules, Kirk's is right across from Rachel's. Examine the panel by the bed and enter "Warp" to get a cryptic message. Check the bottom section of the bed to get the Memory Card then inspect the panel again for some useless information. The memory card can be used to save your progress in the Captain Square game so that if you lose a level you don't have to start over. To do so the game makes you over-write Kirk's data however and that makes me feel rather bad.

Exit and try to enter Rachel's room to find out we are not allowed in once again. Head back to the sick bay and discover that Kirk is missing... oh dear. Go down to the airlock and tell Huey, then come back up to sick bay and we'll peep in on a scene with Rachel.

Oh dear some more. After the scene here go to the airlock. Talk to everyone then leave, and you'll hear some troublesome noises. Head down to the behemoth's holding to find out it's not there. Uh-oh. Go back up and tell Kato the bad news for a whole bunch more scenes. Wander around the break room delivering coffee again and the captain will show up, only to repeat his last message several times. Exit and go south to find Huey and Rachel, who will soon get carted off. Make your way east to the mother computer's terminal, dodging the behemoth on the way. If it touches you, you get an instant game over (again).

From here head north into the cold sleep room, dodging the alien once more. Speak to Kato for some more scenes where we find out why the captain has been acting strangely. You will also get the Power Jack here. From here go south to the living quarters to find the guest quarters' alarm going off. Enter your name and go inside. Inspect the panel to read the notice and then go back to the captain's room, and afterwards you will enter into a scenario where you will be chased by the behemoth. Go north and use the power jack to open the door, then north again to the hallway with the elevator. Use the power jack to open up the vent on the east side and go up the ladder down twice to level 1. (I know we're only on level 2 but there's some vents in between)

Go back to Kato's room for some events and enter "Rover" at the prompt. You'll end up on the third floor, but we can't access the room we need to get to. Siiiiigh. Use the power jack to open the vents again and go back to talk to Kato. He doesn't really say much of use, but exit and run like mad to the vents because as soon as you exit the behemoth will pretty much be right next to you. Go up and talk to Darth, then come back down and go into the break room. Inspect the game in the lower-left corner. After some scenes you will have yourself a boss battle.


Chapter Boss: Mother Computer 01-D0   [448 HP]

What you want to do here is use your Maser Canon to knock out all the orbs on one side, then use Spin Drive to knock 01-D0 out of the range of the other orbs so they can't heal it. Stand right next to it and keep using Maser Canon. It will use an attack called High Speed Analysis on you which does very small amounts of damage, but will trigger your counter-attack. It should go down quickly and with little trouble.

Watch some credits, and read some epilogue, and watch a few more credits, and be done! 

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