Live A Live: The Strongest

This chapter is definitely in my bottom three. It's hard for me to figure out exactly which order those three go in, but yeah. I do apologize to those who like this chapter, because I know some people do. It's just that there's no treasure. That's a big issue for me. Collecting treasure is probably about 95% of the reason I play video games, and if you think I'm exaggerating... well I probably am a bit. But I really love treasure. During the opening sequence you are prompted to enter a name, I went with "Shujin" after Shujinko from Mortal Kombat.

Your character in this chapter gains the abilities of his opponent by being struck with those abilities in battle. However, any techniques not learned via this method will be learned by level-up in the game's final chapter, so your first priority should always be to defeat your opponents asap. You really don't have any cause for using a good chunk of the abilities anyway. Aside from maybe two or three techniques, it's actually pretty hard not to learn everything here. I tried to get as few as possible in a test run and I think I only missed three, so yeah.

In classic Street Fighter-ish fashion, you get the pick the order in which you take on your opponents, so I'll just be listing them in my personal preferred order.

Moribe Seishi

This guy's attacks can hurt quite a bit, but he also has very little hp. Tsuda is the ability you really need from this fight, and the best place to position yourself in order to tempt him into using it is in one of the corners directly below him. Use Battle Cry at the beginning while he makes his way over to you, then close in on him quickly so he can't catch you with Abise-Gerithere needs to be space between you for it to hit). That attack will easily shave off over 100 hp. He'll use Trip Up a lot instead of Tsuda, but just keep using Battle Cry until he finally cooperates. It will lower your stats when it hits, but you will be able to lower his in return right away. It only took me two Tsuda attacks to take him down.

Spiral Knee
Punchama Kick (Counter)

Punchama Kick is the prize in this fight, though I've only found it useful in a single instance. It's not hard to get him to use Spiral Knee on you if you'd like that too, but if you're not bothering then just stand right beside him and use Tsuda about four times. His Punchama Kick will knock you one square down and one square right (or left if you are standing on that side of him) but you can easily close in and use Tsuda again on your next turn. This attack won't even come close to putting you in danger, it's really just more of an annoyance having to keep moving back beside him.

Max Morgan
Max Bomber
German Suplex

In this instance you want both of the attacks, at least that's my preference. It's not hard to get him to use them on you in the least. Buff up with Battle Cry to start as usual, and if you're lucky you may even get to hit him with Tsuda before he makes his first attack on you. He'll come up right beside you and stun you with German Suplex, which will also take off upward of 120 hp, and hen hit you again right away with Max Bomber. Use Battle Cry to heal as he closes in on you and then use Max Bomber repeatedly to keep knocking him back. He'll constantly have to move back toward you and won't get to attack. This is also why we learned Punchama Kick - to counter and push him away and give ourselves a chance to heal in case Max Bomber fails to push him back. I got super lucky and his suplex didn't stun me the very first time he used it, so I was able to reduce his stats with another Tsuda.

Tula Han
Cross Heel Hold

Both of the techniques you learn from this guy are counter moves, but they aren't at all necessary. Just stand in his lower diagonal position and smash at him with German Suplex, he never seems to counter this move. He'll use Heavy Blow and often get countered with Punchama Kick, so you can use Battle Cry while he closes back in on you. Super duper easy.

Great Asia
Tornado Press

His Frankensteiner really hurts, but as long as you don't stand right beside him, mostly he will just use is Bite. Probably your best bet is to stand apart from him and let him use Tornado Press on you and then just beat him down with that from a distance while healing if necessary. If you have Abise-Geri that will also work, but Spiral Knee probably won't do much for you. I got rather lucky and just stood underneath him and used German Suplex, then Tsuda, and a couple more Suplexes and that was the end of him. He really isn't very vulnerable to the paralyzing effects of the technique though, so I certainly don't recommend trying that method yourself.

Jacki Iaukea
Ogre Grip
Aloha Clap
Earth-Rending Fury

Jacki isn't really a big challenge as far as being a heavy hitter, but he does have a lot of hp. If you got the Arm Lock from Tula Han you can use that to disable his Ogre Grip and Aloha Clap, then pound on him with German Suplex. If you want him to gain the Earth Rending Fury technique you'll have to shave off about 400 hp and then make sure there is one tile between you, but whether he ends up using it or not is somewhat up to chance. 

Chapter Boss: Odie Oldbright   [832 HP]
No skills

This guy can, potentially, be the hardest chapter boss in the game. As far as I can remember he is the only one who has managed to defeat me so far. You may be tempted to rely on Tsuda for its ability to decrease his stats, but I don't find it to be at all worth the effort myself. Battle Cry is fairly useless when it comes to recovery because he deals out more damage than you can recover. By far the most effective method I have found for myself is to just rush in right off the bat and use German Suplex over and over. He seems to get struck with paralysis with a fair amount of reliability. If you want to use Tsuda while he's stunned to debuff him that could work well, but whether you do that or just keep hacking away at him, the fight mostly comes down to getting lucky. 

That marks the end of the Modern Day chapter. 

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