How to fish Pike

 How to fish Pike

The anglers adopt on several techniques to catch a specific species. Catch a predator is not always easy.

To learn how to fish pike, it is useful to know its habits. It is possible to choose fishing alive, but in any case, the technique is to use live bait. In addition, account must be taken of the season, because it depends on both the quantity and quality of care.

Knowing the habits of the pike to catch it

Pike can be found almost everywhere in Europe, in the northwest of Spain and southern Italy, the United States and Canada.but How to fish Pike

His physical appearance is remarkable. This type of fish is visible by its morphology and its mouth that can easily capture prey. It has a profile that can attack by surprise. The mouth is shaped duckbill broad, flat and rounded. The opening is large and armament is impressive with more than 700 teeth are sharp and can cut.

Some of them fulfill the jaws while others, less numerous, are very large and long. They are used to immobilize the prey. To direct it toward the back of the throat and help out, pike uses fine teeth and tightened by mass.

You should know where to fish pike, you have to go in calm waters with low currents or stagnant. It is also possible to find in the lower reaches of rivers, canals, lakes and ponds.

It is by knowing his habits we can know how to fish pike. Know that lives mostly in hiding in the grass or stumps. So in vegetation or in the background darkness. Its territory generally depends on the size and wealth of foods. it chose an area where it can rest and another to hunt its. From where it hides or hunting, it detects the proximity of prey from its sight, its vibration and perception of chemical signals.

Pike eats only a few days every week, every day it consumes the equivalent of 3% of its weight. It must identify when it leaves its den to go hunting. You must be careful because it can sneak prey. Indeed, it seems it does not move as only its pectoral fins are moving. It can jump 30 cm or less, with speeds up to 50 km / h.

Season and Tricks

pike fishing can be successful, especially during the hot season. However, we must take into account the fishing area. In a pond, for example, pike are found in vegetation while in a river are found especially in quiet places. As for lakes, the fish must be in more  than 10 meters deep.

Can be trolling in lakes or large rivers, but it is necessary to know the regulations of the region. The fisheries legislation , allows fishing boat with a sonar simultaneously.

The technique of pike fishing with live bait is effective, but it must be methodical. Indeed, the spinners must have a certain size to be able to catch this species, including No. 3-5. As the lure pike, it must be greater than 10 cm. You can also use spoons tandem that provide vibrations, the fluorescent color is very visible even if the water is troubled and is easily identified fish.

For efficiency, it must be in the box of lures Mepps Syclops that can be used in any areas. The spinnerbait to be the most congested areas. You should know that towards the end of winter, the water begins to warm the pike out of the depths and will reproduce in spawning.

Towards the end of April, hungry, it goes against white fish congregate for breeding. It was during the summer so that the pike fishing can be successful since it left its mark for hunting. it watches its prey along a stream or downstream of a rock, a dead tree or a large herbarium. Then it returned to its post. In autumn, the air is fresh and the water temperature and aquatic vegetation decreases. Thus, it remains little to fish pike

The different techniques of fishing for pike

According to the fishermen, regions and regulations, the pike fishing technique may vary. There are several and each as effective as others. We can thus find

Fishing by presenting a lively bait. Must be telescopic cane with a power of 80 to 100 grams and has a length of 3.5 m. Alive is generally pike, but take however more attractive to a true result.

Fishing fish death is asked increasingly used. Generally used for perch, pike bites there too. The method is most suitable in crowded places. Must use strong smelling bait such as sardines or mackerel.

Fishing handled dead fish is also an alternative technique. However, it is essential to choose the frame made and create a good animation to attract fish. With this method, we have an opening for pike, that is to say that the really looking where he is in the water.

There are still others, such as fishing lures, spoons or to fish pike

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