How to catch zander

 How to catch zander

Zander . It was in the early twentieth century they were brought from Central Europe. It then spread in almost all waters. But how to fish zander ? Indeed, it must have some knowledge for fishing is promising. There are appropriate techniques, but with advice, we can succeed effectively.

You need to know how to catch zander

zandre found in all waters except for a few large lakes, ponds and coastal rivers. The development of this fish is fast and remarkable forty years. This is the man who promoted the phenomenon practicing intense farming. Fishing was devoted at first glance, fishing worm, the quick and decoys.

With the gradual disappearance of pike, zander fishing has become very popular. Indeed, both are carnivores that can be caught by adopting techniques roughly equal. The zander is characterized first by killing first the heart before eating later. This is why it takes a little time to take it.

Its flesh is very delicious and it is why fishermen are looking for this fish from Hungary. Sizes of fish caught running around 40 cm depending on the region. Regarding the fishing season, there is no closure so that it is possible to catch every season. With luck, we can get more. Indeed, apart from the fact that they live in bench with several individuals in the same post, you can have a whole family.

You should know that the zander fishing technique requires a special hunt. With their teeth not sharp, they stun or kill prey, leave them on the floor and eat later. Also, they can travel tens of kilometers to find food, but subsequently returned to the starting area.

They are found about 2 meters deep. They are not real fighting, but it is growing rapidly and has a high fertility. Therefore, it is possible to find several in eutrophic and they repopulate considerably. Knowing this lifestyle, we are able to know how to fish zander.

Techniques suitable for fishing zander

zander fishing is ideal for lovers of sport. It is convenient to start and must be adapted to the material size for good catches.

Rather, it is during the day we zander fishing because they lie at the bottom or in shaded areas. The hooks are mounted on a lure with silver bottom line wire. Like any predator, the soft lure suitable for both freshwater fishing in saltwater

The zander fishing techniques vary by region. The trolling can be effective with a cane 2.40 m and has a semi-parabolic action with a fixed spool reel. The undulating is ideal, but everything depends on the tools. The rod must be long enough in the 3.50 m for fishing with live bait. Sunrise handled is also a good technical performance.

Whatever the technique resorted must first find the fish. To do this, we must take into account the configuration of the water and time. Is often found in groups in the search for small fish, including entries docks and strictures. When the wind blows, that's when you can find it near the shore. It is also found in many shoals and not in the greatest depths. We must encourage the corners .

You can also apply lapping fishing for zander. The fisherman will just take long walks near ponds and lakes. Handled for the dead, you need a stiff rod nearly 3m. It adds a reel and line average 26-30% with an average elasticity, and a fluorescent color.

Good advice for catching zander

zander fishing can be successful with the right techniques. Must certainly follow the specific advice for best results. It is in the water too salty and with a low altitude that is found in large numbers. More precisely in small ponds on large reservoirs, canals and rivers. With luck, we can see deep holes, but it is especially to eat prey that they are acquired and, therefore, do not stay.

These are soft lures and crankbaits vibration they appreciate in particular. By adding to a head mount or leaded handled, can improve fishing. It is a cost-effective technique. And it is the same for fishing dead fish handled that assets can bite. Techniques vary, but must take into account the lifestyle of the species.

Can be used without advancing lines in general. The fact is that nylon is not cut with the teeth of fish. It is better to encourage braided lines so we feel good keys that are discreetly.

We must never make mistakes fishing short and precise, because the fish can go. With the launch, we must make a dead fish down to the bottom. The banner must be tightened and released tens of meters.

To seek this type of fish, it is necessary to promote the murky waters of good quality and travel a certain distance in order not to lose time at each location. Must vary the angles for different launched every time. Zander died quickly on the hook, and when there has taken from the first moment, is that it does not exist. In any case, it must conform to the presentation and use of materials

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