Quill Bodied CDC Dries
Another season has just gone for the trout fishing on the rivers and looking back at a busy 2012 I have to say I had some great sport on the various rivers I fished through out Ireland and Europe, unforgettably the heavy rains that fell from May on-wards did slow down the productive fishing that was had in March and April. Some of the tributaries to the River Nore fished outstanding at this early part of the season and the quality of the trout that theses small rivers were producing was almost unbelievable at times. So soon enough ill begin to ponder over last seasons successful fly patterns and remove or develop the ones that did not lure the fish. Above is one of the flies that will remain in my fly box for another swim next year. Its a quill bodied CDC dry fly and is an excellent trout catcher; on a size 16 Hends 404 Dry fly hook, Coq De Leon Tail, stripped peacock quill body and natural CDC wing with a spun light brown CDC hackle to finish it off. A simple and very effective fly that worked right from the start of the season for those early olives.
The fly below is for those late spring and early summer evenings when the rise is developing, it is tied on a size 18 and is very slender in build. The body is primrose under thread with olive Hends body quill wrapped over leaving a tag of primrose thread exposed. The wing is one small CDC natural feather with a turn of thread behind the wing to keep it standing up from the body slightly.
These patterns are well wort having in your box for the start of next season. Tying with the two main components of quill bodies and CDC is very simple and very productive, you should not be afraid to experiment with these materials in different ways and discover there ability to catch fish. Over the next few months ill be posting some of the nymphs, streamers, and wet flies that I will be stocking my 2013 boxes with so check in and see whats in store for the trout.
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