Kirby's Adventure (Part II)

Now we begin our triumphant march into the second level! Ice Crea Sland! Stupid fantasy meat, getting in the way of the letters. And stupid me for not noticing that when I took the screen shot.

Stage One

In this stage we are introduced to another couple of things.

Thing 1: Coconuts. When you walk under these they will attempt to fall on your head and if they hit you they will EXPLODE. You can avoid them by simply walking past them, though I personally enjoy freezing them and knocking them around.

Things 2, 3 & 4

2: Side rooms - many stages will have these. Not these are not doorways that take you to a new part of the stage, they are independant rooms, most of the time containing items or enemies.

3: Soda bottles - unlike the tomatoes you have been seeing so far, these only refill two ticks of health

4: Parasol enemies - Parasol is a useful ability - it will protect you from coconuts, as well as slow down your falling speed. And, of course, you can hit people with it.

You'll also see little orange piggy heads a bit further on (once you leave the room) you can kill these, but not inhale them. If you try inhaling them they will get angry and chase you around.

Some other things you will see are little black bomb enemies, you do not want to be near these guys when they blow up - you will get set on fire. Also, twister enemies. Twister can be a useful move, but it is hard to control where Kirby goes with it.

Third level from the top. Booooo.

Also, another minigame will be opened up here. One where Kirby swallows a bunch of eggs and then pukes up baby chicks at the end. As long as you don't swallow a bomb by accident. I've never really given it much thought, but that's kind of disturbing!

I did alright this time.

Stage Two

Yay! Another new feature - bomb blocks. You can break these via all the regular busting means  (air puffs, abilities, sliding) and generally, good things will happen. So do that business. Also another new enemy/ability - Needle this time.

When you see somehting like this, it generally means a mini boss is coming. Which it is. I wouldn't really recommend any of these abilities (parasol included) buuut I'm gonna go and give it a try anyway.
Grand Wheelie

Well, I almost made it through with the parasol. But I don't mind that I lost it at the end, because the remainder of this level is practically begging you to test out the wheel ability. Go ahead and om nom that miniboss! Then press B and keep going till you reach a doorway. You'll hit the end of the screen and bounce out of the wheel form (you can also just hit the button again). Note you can steer Kirby left or right in the wheel form, but he cannot jump and he also cannot stop unless he hits a wall or you hit the button to un-wheel him. However, he also cannot be harmed by contact with enemies.

Highly recommended but not necessary action: As soon as you are in the next area, press select and get rid of the wheel ability. You will find a green beam enemy almost immediately - eat this enemy. It will come into play in stage 3.

Yeeeeeeess! That is how it is DONE!

Also, that stage opens up another crane minigame - I got a tubby Kirby for a 2up. Yes, I realize I could have got the same number of lives with two small ones. I JUST LIKE THE TUBBY ONES, OKAY?

Stage Three

So there is a Parasol guy right at the start which I suggest killing with yur beem powurz and then fly over a precarious gap to a doorway. And then enter the doorway.

Over here there will be a ladder and a sword guy trying to ruin your life, but just take notice of the timing of his swipes and time your descent accordingly. If he knocks the beam power out of you (if you have it, that is) get it baaaaack. Huuuuurry.

This is why. Destroy the sand blocks, and then use the beam to hit the bomb block. Then get rid of the beam before you go through the door because we are about to get the best power in the game.

Assuming I don't screw it up. As soon as you enter, face to the right and inhale. An enemy will come flying at you, right into your delightful mouth, and then you will get the UFO power. It's amaaaaazing. Tap the fire button lightly for a beam attack. Hold it down very very briefly for a laser attack. Hold it down slightly longer to shoot a single star, and hold it down slightly longer to shoot two stars. The two star thing is like an apocalyptic death ray, but much cuter.

So after this you will have a little underwater section, but that's okay because the UFO can move freely through water. Note though, that the single star attack will sink - the double star doesn't. You can actually use this to your advantage by hovering above the enemies and letting loose a single star that will float down and take them out, so you don't have to worry about getting hit and losing your power.

In the next area, head upward but be very careful of the flying enemy that will approach. Note that you can back up while firing your beam and Kirby will not turn to face the other way. Very useful for dodging and attacking at the same time. Destory the block above you and follow the little alcove to a 1up that you may have spotted earlier.

Sword guy was a little sad because I killed him earlier and he didn't get to be in the other screenshot. There, you're in this one. Feel better?

Yeah, I got hit and lost my UFO power briefly and I audibly exclaimed "Noooooooo" to the empty room. But anyway, this thing happens, which I forgot about and so I didn't get a screen cap where Meta Knight was pointing his sword at Kirby, which would have been awesome. Maybe next time. So yeah, you just have to beat all the enemies here for the door to appear. So do that.

Made it through without getting hit once, by the way. I love my apocalyptic death ray.

To get to the soda bottle in the next area (if you want to get to it), just hover right above the water and use the beam to take out the fish. Otherwise just carry on, the end of the stage is about two seconds away.

Noooo, I didn't get my 1up D: *lament*

That brings us to the end of this post... yes, for real this time. I am not going to come back and tack on the last couple stages again. Assuming this level has a stage 5. I think it does... but I don't really remember. Crap. We'll see!

Continue the part III --->

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