Kirby's Adventure (Part I)

Uh huuuuuh...



Yaaaaaay! Now let's see mine!


Right, so this has been one of my most favouritist games for pretty much my whole life. I am so excited to be playing it right now, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.

Also, I'm much better at this than I am at Battle Network, so you know. That'll be good.

Now, I am nooot entirely sure how I am going to go about this yet. I might try doing one level per post, which means that I would have finished this in roughly nine posts. Not too bad. I may also just stop whenever I get tired. I don't know. We'll see.

Right, so if you've never played this game before, here is some things. Which you are prolly going to figure out as you play anyway, but hey. Those dots down there by Kirby's name are his hit points. When these run out, bad things happen. Try to not let this happen. Brown doors mean doors you have not been inside yet. Brown doors with a flag beside them mean that you have completed the stage, but there is a hidden switch somewhere which you have missed. White doors are fully completed stages.


Excuse me sir, but how did you get down there? You know who would love to meet this flying dude? Charles Darwin.

I don't think you really need any direction here. Just hold down the right direction button and eat everything. Test out a few abilities. When you reach the door with a star over it, that is the end of the stage.

DO IT DO IT DO IT. (You want to press it when the platform dips down to its lowest)

If you make it to the top level this happens. This is a very good thing.

As you exit the stage, the next one will be revealed. In this case something else will show up too - a little kirby dangling above a doorway. This is the crane minigame.

The big Kirbies in here are worth a 2-up each, little ones are worth a 1-up. The bigger ones also are more prone to falling out of the claw. You get two tries, and if you get one doll, another one of the same size will come in to replace it. It's up to you what you wanna go for.


Stage Two!

In this level we are introduced to a few things. The first is little black balls with flashing white spikes - these move up and down and you cannot kill them. At all. Ever.

The second are little black cannons - you cannot kill these either.

The third is warp stars. You jump on these and go flying all about the world. It's great fun.

Poppy Bros Sr.

Also, minibosses.

Right, so for these guys you either want to a) hit them with whatever power you've got, or b) suck in their bombs and fire them back. ALL minibosses will shoot out something that you can breathe in and toss at them. It is, for the most part, your most reliable method for minibosses and bosses throughout the entire game.

These particular enemies will give you the Crash ability, which will kill pretty much everything on the screen in 1 hit.

There's not much else of note on this stage, so just continue on.

Stage Three

Not much here either. There's some cannons on sand blocks early on, you can destroy the blocks and drop them down the holes. You also get to experience a very brief underwater segment near the end.

And in some cases, get another 1-up.

Okay, well that's a lot of pictures. So I think that will suffice for now. In my next post I will be wrapping up the Vegetable Valley!

Edit: LOLZ just kidding, I'm making it all into one post. But note that it did originally end there, so start reading this second bit as if it is a new post. It just seemed a little short to keep on its own.

Kay, so funny story. I had to do the beginning over because a rift in space-time appeared and Kirby-inhald my save data aaaaand this happened. I take it back, tubby Kirby. I hope your houses are in good health.

After the third stage, a new type of room will show up for the first time - the museum. The game explains what these rooms are whenever you enter, so I probably won't be bothering. Check out that fancy picture of Kirby on the wall, though. These people have good taste.

Stage Four
Mr. Frosty

Right at the beginning you'll see a ladder. Go up here and another miniboss will show up (I didn't screen cap this one... I forgot). If you have the Fire ability like I happened to have, you can just stand there and breathe on him till he dies. Press select to get rid of the fire power if you wish, and devour the miniboss's corpse to get the Freeze ability.

Head through the door and continue on, this next little stretch seems designed primarily so you can test out this new ability. It's quite fancy, I happen to enjoy it quite a bit.

Meta Knight, who is kind of like Kirby's arch rival (I don't think he's really a villain... but I am kind of foggy on the broader Kirby canon) stops by and leaves you this cany. Which is, y'know. Not suspicious. Once you step on it, it will magically fuse with Kirby and make you invincible for a short period. Your power during this time will be displayed as "Hyper" but note that it will NOT get rid of any other curent power you have.

This would normally be a somewhat dangerous position for a 1-up. Not so much this time around. Also the exit door just happens to be directly to our right! Yahoot!

I've been thinking, since I posted my battle results for the bosses in Battle Network, should I post which level of cloud I land on at the end of each stage? I will start doing that, see what the people says. But not right now because our next stage is the boss room.

Whispy Woods
Whispy Breath: He breathes out little puffs of air, much like Kirby himself does. If you position yourself close to him you can duck under them.
Apple Drop: He'll drop a bunch of apples from his branches, you can suck these in and toss them at him if you don't have an ability

Aww, he's crying. Aren't we a villain. Fun fact: If you have he freeze, spark, or fire ability, stand as far right as you can and hold A. Yaaaaaay simplicity.

So anyway, hop up there and collect that star rod fragment and do your little dance. And that is it! We are done with vegetable valley!

Continue to part II --->

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