Mega Man Battle Network (Part XIV)

Alright, alright! Let's get moving! Through the 'W' door! Ignore the hallway to the left, it's a figment of your imagination.

Once inside this room, inspect the portrait of Wily in the back corner a couple times and then jack in. Oh, boy. Invisible pathways. My favourite. Head west to the next platform. From here go north, then west once again. Go north and head east from here, and the path will turn south to a larger platform. No battery slots here though, thankfully.

Go east from this position and there will be 2000 zennys right in your pathway. From the north side of this platform, head back west. Take a turn north at the next platform. Follow this all the way around to a split, and take the southern path (they both lead to the same place, this one has a mystery data on the way). You'll reach another platform here, go to the northern side and head east. In this small area you will find a BigWave K.

From here go south, west, and then north for a longer walkway with a program on it. It suggests you save... so go ahead and do that. Continue on, and of course Roll will come to save the day. Oh, and then you'll fight YAHOOT.

Magic Man
700 HP

Magic Fire: It is the exact same fire attack that Skull Man uses.

Magic Call: He will summon viruses from the two glowing circles. I had him summon the red hard hat guys, the yellow enemies that fire the rolling spark balls, and one of the Aura enemies... I think it was the Fire one.

Overall, he didn't pose much of a challenge for me.

Then Mega Man gets blown up a bit, and Proto Man comes in to try and be cool, and Dr. Hikari says some stuff which doesn't really make any sense. I was going to post a screenshot of something but it's superduper megaspoilers, so I'll leave it out. And instead I will just say... SERIOUSLY. WHAT THE HECK.

Right, so some stuff will happen and then you'll be Mega Man again. As the program warned, you cannot save here. Note that you can challenge Chaud here if you want for ProtoMan V2 and V3. When you are ready step in behind the portrait for more events. What I don't get is a) what exactly Lan is jacked into, and b) why Dr. Wily doesn't just give him a good smack and knock him on his behind. There. Problem solved, you can go back to destroying the world.

You mean the Dark Elf. LET'S DO THIS BUSINESS.

Life Virus
1000 HP

Viral Sect: It will create one or two small insects from the holes on the field - red are fire, blue are water, green are wood, yellow are electric. There is no HP display for the insects, you just have to hit them and hope they go down.

Viral Swipe: When it's HP is mostly full, and you see it charging an attack, it will swipe out doing damage to your front row.

Viral Laser: When it gets a bit lower on HP nd you see it charging up, it will shoot a big laser down the middle horizontal row.

This boss has a tendancy to use "Life Aura" a lot - which means that any damage under 100 will just bounce off. At this stage in the game, it shouldn't cause you that much trouble. I found the battle extremely easy.

If you return to the menu after the credits have rolled, you will notice a star beside "Continue" to show that you have beat the game. There are a few post-game quests to embark on - but I am not going to be doing these right now. I need a break from this game. I'll probably post the stuff up after I do my next playthrough. Do note however that you will not pick up again in ACDC town after the final events or anything along those lines. You will pick up from the last save you made, so let's hope you took the earlier suggestion.

Also, I have not posted this before because I didn't see much point, but in case anyone might be curious someday, here is a list of the chips in my folder at the time of beating the Life Virus.

BigBomb B
BigBomb B
FighterSword B
KnightSword B
FireSword B
FireSword B
DynaWave M
DynaWave M
DynaWave M
DynaWave M
DynaWave S
DynaWave S
DynaWave S
DynaWave S
DynaWave S
DynaWave S
Quake2 B
Quake3 M
SnakeEgg1 B
SnakeEgg1 B
TimeBomb2 S
Mine1 M
Mine1 M
Mine1 M
Dynamite2 M
ProtoMan2 B
SkullMan 3 S
SkullMan 3 S
SkullMan 3 S
ShakMan 3 S

And that's all! Thanks much for following my playthrough, I hope that you enjoyed the adventure, and I hope you will enjoy even more in the future. Toodloo!

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