Kirby's Adventure (Part III)

Hullo again! When I left you last time we had just finished stage 3 of Ice Cream Island. We now have another crane minigame for me to fail at, as well as another museum - this one containing the Laser and Fire powers.

Fun fact which I just learned: the save feature on Kirby does not retain your number of lives. Meaning if you don't do it all in one go (or use an emulator with save states) then you will have to begin with 4 lives again every time. Feh. Luckily, this game only takes about two hours to beat soooo yeah. I am going to be saving my data with save states in between posts. Partly because I don't want you all to think I died ten times between screen caps, and partly because if I didn't have to take screen caps and write blog posts, I would totally be beating this all in one go. AND I'M SORRY IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT.

Stage Four

Very early on you will find a door leading to this room with a free 1up! Yaaay! Also with a bunch of koala things. Also like ten seconds after I got this 1up I died for the first time. I sucked in two enemies, prepared to fire them at some nearby sandblocks, and then I missed the platform and Kirby can't fly with stuff in his mouth. And I have slow reflexes. Bleh.

The next step, which is very important, is to remember that you put a pot of water on the stove to boil and then walked away and started playing video games. (But seriously don't do that)

New miniboss time! It's a telephone this time. To make things super simple, get the rock power from that guy up at the top. To make things not as simple, keep Kirby powerless. Or try one of the others. Or maybe you already have one. I don't know! Be adventurous! Actually, I'm going to try the fire power this time. Why not.

Mr. Tick Tock

Result: I got hit twice and then accidentally turned my controller off and so the miniboss's corpse exploded before I could eat it. Also, apparently it's not a telephone. I'm pretty sure I actually knew this already I just chose to forget. He doesn't even look remotely phone-like.

Anyway, continue to the next area and kill the flying pig heads with the Mic ability if you got it. Then get rid of the ability in the next room and eat the laser guy. Kirby should fire a test-laser once you copy the ability, which will bounce off the slope ahead of you and free the 1up above.

Next area you'll find another room, this one containing some beam enemies and a pop bottle (which I happened to need).

This happened.

When stage 5 is revealed you will notice something else - a door with two axes above it. This is the arena. Each one will contain a mini boss, and you will be granted a Maximum Tomato for winning. This one contains Mr. Frosty.

Stage Five

Make your way past the multitude of cannons here (having the freeze ability helps slightly), and note that the cannon that parachutes down with a parasol - its ride will attack you once they have detached from each other. If you wish to get it, there is a soda bottle to the right of the door here. (It will dorp down as you walk toward it)

In the next area you will see two small wheels sliding up and down a little dip in the pathway at nearly the same time. If you inhale both of them at the same time you will be granted the Hammer ability due to the game's "mixing" mechanic. Carry on a short way and when the path splits take the bottom row. Avoid or kill the round green guys - eating them will give you the useless (and dangerous) "sleep" ability. Break the bomb block and enter the doorway. As soon as you enter start holding the down arrow to make it through without getting damaged. All you get is a pop bottle, though.

You'll be dropped off near the top doorway, so enter that now.

Oh look, another door. All that's in here is two Fireball enemies - eating both at the same time gives you the Laser ability. Eh.

Here's something fun. Swallow one of these cowboy looking fellows (shut up, that's not dirty) and hit the B button to soar up through these sand blocks. There is a soda bottle on the left, but just watch out for the bomb enemies at the top.

Also, in the next area the very first jester guy (caleld a Poppy Jr. by the way) is riding on a tomato instead of the usual apple. If you have good enough aim to take him out without harming the fruit (and you want to get the tomato in the first place, of course) then do so and recover those hit points! Yay!

Also, this is the end of the stage.

Oopsie. That was just in general not a good stage for me.

Boss time!

Paint Roller

This guy has 4 eisels placed in the four corners of the room where he will paint/draw various things. Some of the things - an umbrella, a car, a thundercloud - will give you abilities. Other things - generic orange enemy, ball - will not. My favourite ability to use here is the umbrella, because you can have Kirby fly up to one of the platforms and as he's on top, poke him with the umbrella from below the platform. It's great fun.

Fun fact: The parasol, much like real life, will not protect you from lightning.

Continue to part IV --->

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