Mega Man Battle Network (Part II)

Hulloo, and welcome back. When I left you last time, we had just defeated Fire Man, so naturally that is where I'll be picking up.

After a little bit of dialogue and a lousy pun, we are free to leave the house and wander around a bit. Let's go visit our friends and tell them we almost died in a house fire.

This is where Mayl lives. First we are going to go upstairs.

You can jack into this doll, so do that. Inside you will find an HPMemory! Isn't that exciting. You'll also find a couple new enemies in here, dodging their attacks is mostly just a matter of backing up at the right time. From these enemies you can get either a Quake1 or Invis1 chip, both of which can be fairly useful (though the Quake is a little slow). Now go back downstairs.

Next we're going into the piano. In here you can get a Recover50 L and the @Mayl. Going in and getting the web address like that seems a bit weird to me. It seems like it'd be the same as going to someone's house and turning on their computer and going "Oh, look! They're signed into Facebook!" and then adding yourself as a friend.

This is Dex's house, our next destination.

First off we're going to go into the Gamecube here. You'll get the CrossGun K. Also note that this area has red Metools and also the upgraded version of the enemies at Mayl's place that dropped the Invis1 chip.

In Dex's computer you'll find the @Dex and XPanel3 B. Also an enemy that gives out the LilBomb chip, so you might want to gather a couple of those.

At this point, go home to use the @Mayl (just to the right of where you enter the net from your computer) and the @Dex (past the merchant on lower level). I also had enough Zennys for another PowerUp, so get that if you are able.

Now go over to Lan's bed and save/turn in for the day. The next events will start automatically, and you will end up at school.

Go into the nurse's room and check this cabinet for a Recover50 G.

Check this desk in the room just past the Nurse's (green door) for a Repair A.

On the second floor, check this shelf in the library for an Escape H.

Check these desks at the end of the upstairs hallway for an X-Panel B. From here go all the way down to the opposite end of the hallway and enter your classroom (all other classrooms are currently off limits). There will be a short scene, then you'll have to go around and talk to everyone in your class (not just Dex this time) and then another scene will trigger the next apocalyptic scenario.

Before we can go anywhere though, we have to talk to Dex, and then Mayl. However we get the Roll R chip, so that makes it well worth it! Jack into the blackboard now.

In this first section, there's only one way to go really. When you come to a split where there is a stack of red platforms (look like pencils) leading north, take that to get a ShockWave L chip.

In the second area, there will be a split where you can keep going straight (east), or go south a bit and east. Go straight first for some data with 800 Zennys. Take the other path to be taken to a different section of Area 1. You will end up at a gate.

Each of these gates requires you to put in a two-digit number. Some of them are random. This one is not, however. Since I (and possibly you) want to minimize the time spent as Lan, press the L button and enter "09" to open it up.

Continue on the once again linear path, back into Area 2 where you will soon come across a 3-way split. Take the easternmost route all the way around for a piece of data that contains a HiCannon I. Take the middle path now, the western one is just a dead end. You will then come across another gate.

You cooould use this opportunity to visit some of the other classrooms and pick up a couple chips, but since the upcoming boss isn't really that hard, I am going to save those for the next entry. The password for this gate is 30. Continue down the path a short way to... another gate.

This is your first "no hint" door. You get a certain number of tries, and if you don't get the password by the end, it will either increase or decrease one of the digits. And it will even tell you what it's doing to what one. Probably the easiest way to do it is guess 22-44-66-88 first off. It'll tell you if you have one of the digits right, and also tell you whether the number is too high or too low. From there it shouldn't take too long.

Continue into area three and travel the short distance to a blue mystery data with 400 Zennys inside. Continue across the blue pencils to the next area.

In here there are two gates. Take the lower path (random number) first to get an HPMemory. Then go to the top one.

This time, the sphinx wants to know how many doors are in the school. Again, an opportunity to run around a bit, but just put in 15 and be on your way. Before you head back to area 3, take the path south to get a Spreader H.

Back in Area 3, there is a near-immediate split. North is a dead end, so go west.

So then you're just walking along (left path at the split is a dead end, by the way) and then this happens.

Which, y'know, is unfortunate. Because you have to play as Lan again. So leave the classroom if you haven't already, go down the stairs (double doors past the classrooms) and into the AV Room (green door). As you are about to enter, that substitute teacher WHO TOTALLY ISN'T A BAD GUY BY THE WAY comes flying out and knocks you on your buttoon. Once Lan gets himself vertical again, head inside.

It happens to be this computer here that is ruining your life, so give it a good kick and free Mega Man. Then switch back to him asap. As Mr. Awesome, go up the path, past the gate, and find a blue mystery data. It contains a Quake1 A this time. Go back to the gate now (random password) and continue through to area... I dunno what number it is.

In the next area, take the little offshoot to the left for a Canon C chip. If you select Canons A-B-C in that order in battle (in the same turn) then you can what is called a "Program Advance." This particular one gives you 5 seconds or so for using the Z-Canon, which I think does 60 damage per shot. However, I will not be using that against this boss.

BUT FIRST ANOTHER GATE. This one doesn't have a password though, so we have to go find Ms. Mari. She is on the right-hand side of the first floor, in a room labelled Br. But first!

Check this cabinet for an HPMemory. Funny enough, the game actually gives you a dialogue choice of whether you want to rescue her or not, but in terms of actual gameplay, doing it is the only way to progress. I've never understood why games give you those choices.

But anyway! Leave the room and use the borrowed ID card on the machine outside the room labelled TL, and you'll get switched back to Mega Man. Save your game, then enter one final random password, and you will commence battle against the next boss automatically.

Number Man
500 HP

Number Balls: He'll toss out three large spheres, each with a number on them, that will travel horizontally across the rows. Essentially, the number on the ball is how much HP it has, so stand in front of the lowest one and shoot it (or use a chip if you're desperate) to get through safely.

Die Roll: He'll toss out a single die into your area, which will show a number. The higher the number the more damage it will deal (note you can shoot the die to break it before it unleashes its attack)

Time Bomb: NumberMan will place a time bomb in your area. You have three seconds before it goes off, dealing massive damage. It can be shot and destroyed, like his other moves.

This guy is ridiculously easy, he remains stationary for the entire battle.

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