Mega Man Battle Network (Part I)

Doodoo doodoodoodoodoo doodoo doodoodoodoodoo! And etc. This game has great title screen music. But unfortunately we have to press start eventually and actually play the game and stuff. It's a good thing I'm not doing a video walkthrough because I am quite bad at the Battle Network games.

Check your e-mail (the one from your dad specifically) and get a CrossGun C chip. Hoo-ray.

Once you get to school, talk to the big guy with the mohawk to start off a couple tutorials. Ms. Mari is kind of this series' grand goddess of tutorials, we'll be seeing her a lot. Once that's done go and talk to Dex (the green fellow you talked to before) and agree to fight his navi Guts Man. You actually don't get any reward for this fight, so feel free to just leave if you want. (Note if you do, you can't go back into the school)
Go back to Lan's house now, but instead of going inside, jack into the dog house and get a ShotGun K chip. I'd also recommend running around in here a bit to get some money and a few Shockwave chips.

Anyway, head up to your room and jack into the computer. Just up ahead you'll see a yellow Navi, talk to him to get the @Yai. Go up the ramp next to him the right, up, left, and down another ramp. From here go left, down, right and up to find a green Navi who runs a shop. If you're lucky you will be able to afford the first PowerUp and HPMemory like I was. To the right is a little green robot floating around - this is the lost program Glyde mentioned. Talk to it and then backtrack to where you turned right to get to the shop and go down. You will see a round platform with the word "access" - this is Yai's "bookmark". Step on it to be transported to her homepage. Talk to Glyde here to get the Spreader I chip.
When you're done in there, jack out and go back downstairs.

Of course, Lan's first reaction is "Let's walk up to the flaming oven and plug an electrical device into it." Seriously, leaving the house never occurs to him or his mother at any point.
Once Mega Man has entered the oven's computer, go left and get a ShotGun Q, then take the right path around to another round area. You can get 400 Zennys from the purple diamond here. Go straight down and off to the left get a Sword B. Continue left and down.

And then this happens.
Apparently, his water gun is a super soaker or something because it actually does a pretty good job of putting the fire out. I wanted to get a picture of it, but wasn't quick enough with the screen capping. Back into the computer we go! Go up and left from the green area to find a Steal A. Take the path right to the red area from before, and from here go south.

Get another Shotgun Q to your left.

Extinguish either of these (2/7 uses). Head left and down, grabbing the 500 Zennys along the way.

Extinguish the fire in the upper left corner (3/7 uses). Go left and down again, grabbing the LilBomb T.

That's it. Head down this path and SAVE.

Fire Man
300 HP
Flamethrower: If you see him standing at the edge of his area ready to fire, you do not want to be in the same horizontal row as him. Simply move up or down.
Fire Tower: If you see him ready to fire and he is NOT at the edge of his row, stand in the back row. For extra dodging room you might want to stand at the very top or bottom as well. As the fire reaches one or two spaces ahead of you, quickly move up/down and forward as much as possible. The fire cannot move backwards.
Fire Bomb: He will kind of hover there for a moment as if he is about to go super-Saiyan on you, and then hurl out three bombs. The bombs will cast a shadow on the space they will land on, so avoid these. Note that the bombs will leave rings of fire where they land, so don't let yourself get trapped in a corner!
For the most part, the best time to hit him is probably when he is preparing to toss out his bombs, there are a couple seconds where he is just stuck in place. Overall not extremely difficult.

Go to part II --->
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