Wednesday DEP To Hold Webinar On Expanding State’s Air Quality Monitoring Network

The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday announced it will hold a webinar Wednesday starting at 10:30 a.m. on plans to expand the state’s Air Quality Monitoring Network.
DEP staff will outline the expansion of air quality monitors in rural areas that will monitor for pollutants commonly associated with unconventional gas drilling and compressor stations.
Fine particulate pollution, including nitrates and sulfates, organic chemicals, metals, soils or dust, are the result of a wide range of industrial processes and fuel combustion, including emissions caused by logging, agriculture, natural gas development and transmission, and vehicles.
The human health impacts from accumulation in the respiratory system include decreased lung function and increased respiratory symptoms and disease. Young children, the elderly and those with respiratory problems including asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis, are especially vulnerable to the effects of particle pollution.
Registration is required for this webinar.  Click Here to register and for all the details.

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