April Fool's Day

Today is what folks call “Fool's Day” and although many believe it should be a day set aside for Obama and his cronies, they are really not truly fools – they know what their agenda is.

But, seriously, I wondered how many know how this day came about?

Ancient Fool's Map, ca 1590
The details of its origin is clouded in history, but the consensus is that it started in France around 1582, the year of the reformation of the calendar via Charles IX. But those that are a part of that consensus fail to know that it is mentioned in the book, The Canterbury Tales, published by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1392.
The new calendar was called the Gregorian Calendar and New Year's Day (actually a week celebration) that lasted from March 25th to April 1stwas changed to January 1st. Officially, the changed day for New Year was adopted in 1564 via the Edict of Roussillon.
Some folks refused to acknowledge that April 1st was no longer the New Year, while others, because of slow communication in the medieval era, just did not know. Those in the know provided a label for the ignorant and stubborn as “fools” and organized invitations to nonexistent parties and other practical jokes upon those that were uninformed; who were given the name of “poisson d'avril”, translated to English as “April fish”.
This practice continued over time and pranks became common on the first day of April. The tradition and concept spread to Britain and Scotland by the 18th century and was also introduced to the American colonies by both the English and the French. Since that time it has become an international custom with various cultures celebrating it in different ways. In fact, the origin of the “Kick Me” sign taped to a person's back without him knowing it is traced to Scotland.
In England, jokes are played only at the beginning of the day. Fools, or rather those on the brunt end of the joke are called a “noodle” and those fools who deliver the practical joke are called “gobs”. It is considered bad luck to play a practical joke on someone after the noon hour.
In Rome, the day is known as the Festival of Hilaria, coordinated with the celebration of the resurrection of the god Attis and is on March 25th. It is also referred to as “Roman Laughing Day”.
While it is unofficially celebrated in India, Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil, and the United States; it is not a national holiday anywhere.
Here in the United States April Fool's is still popular; maybe because the King Jester has recruited so many fools ...
Toss Up: Obama or Biden royal jesters

In India is part of the Holi Festival celebrated on March 31st. In Portugal, April Fool's Day falls on the Sunday or Monday before Lent.
National Geographic posted five of the most outrageous April Fool's Day pranks at their website.

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