Tree stands give bowhunters a height advantage
Tree stands give bowhunters a height advantage
By Tyler Frantz
Tree stands complement bowhunting like milk complements cookies. Sure, you can have cookies without milk, but they just don’t seem quite as good. The same could be said for archery hunting and tree stands.

Why hunt from a stand?
Yes, tree stands cost money, take time and effort to set up and somewhat limit your mobility, but the advantages of hunting from an elevated platform, in my opinion, far outweigh the drawbacks.
First, tree stands offer a great vantage point. Most times, they afford greater visibility, enabling hunters to see farther distances beyond brush and low-lying obstructions. One can often see deer coming ahead of time, thus being granted more time to prepare for a shot.
By elevating their position, hunters simultaneously raise themselves above a deer’s natural line of sight. That’s not to say a smart whitetail won’t occasionally look up if they catch movement or sense something out of place; I’ve seen them do this before, but more times than not, the deer are oblivious to my presence.
Tree stands also grant bowhunters more flex room to draw their bows without getting picked off- especially if the trunk of the tree or other vegetation conceals their movement.
Stands offer a quieter, more comfortable platform for staking out an area- one that doesn’t include rustling leaves each time one’s feet are shifted. They also lift hunters’ scent up and away from the ground, making it more difficult for deer to wind them.
Important regulations
According to the PA Hunting and Trapping Digest, “It is unlawful while hunting or preparing to hunt to damage any tree on public or private property by constructing a tree stand or using a portable tree stand or device to climb a tree,” and it’s also unlawful to “use or occupy a tree stand that, when constructed, damages a tree.”

Additionally, “Tree stands on state lands can be placed out not more than two weeks before and must be removed two weeks after any deer season. In addition, keep in mind that one’s tree stand does not make that area exclusive to the owner; other hunters can hunt in that area.”
With the statewide archery deer season opening on Saturday, October 3rdthis year, Saturday September 19th marked the beginning of the two-week window for stand placement. That means hunters are now free to begin hanging stands.
New this year, however, tree stands and portable hunting blinds left on state game lands and other hunter-access properties managed by the Game Commission must be clearly marked with a durable and legible identification tag. The tag must include the owner’s first and last name and legal home address or the CID number that corresponds with the owner’s hunting license.
Those who don’t feel comfortable leaving their personal information can obtain a special number issued by the Game Commission to the stand or ground blind at The Outdoor Shop on the Game Commission’s website.
Decisions, Decisions
There are several things to consider before deciding upon a particular type of tree stand for your hunting situation. Climbing stands offer the best mobility and are probably the easiest to transport on one’s back, but they require a tall, straight tree free of limb obstructions to successfully shimmy up.

Ladder stands are roomy and a decent semi-permanent option, as long as moving them isn’t required. Be sure to have help if you plan to erect a ladder stand, though, because they are heavy and extremely awkward to lean and secure against a tree. They are also a bit more obvious to spot, compared to a climber or hang-on stand.
Safe and secure
No matter what type of stand one ultimately decides to use. It is imperative that they be strapped in tightly to the tree with a few quality ratchet straps. A strap-on bow and accessory holder completes the set and makes accessing gear more convenient.
Unfortunately, many public land hunters should also strongly consider locking their stands in place so they do not get stolen. It’s sad that I must even mention this, but tree stand theft is a reality, and it’s better to be prepared ahead of time.
Most importantly, always wear an approved fall-restraint device or safety harness with a lifeline whenever ascending, descending or hunting from an elevated tree stand. Tree stand manufacturers typically supply complimentary harnesses with all of their stands, but many hunters choose to purchase their own to meet their personal comfort and design specifications.
A tree stand is a definite hunting asset, but only if it is used properly with safety in mind. Please wear a harness- not only for yourself, but also for the sake of your loved ones who count on your safe return home from every hunting occasion.
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