So many seasons, such little time

So many seasons, such little time
October is jam-packed with outdoor opportunities
By Tyler Frantz
            October makes my head spin. Don’t get me wrong- I love it, but with so many outdoor activities from which to choose, I kind of have a tough time juggling it all.
            Having returned from last weekend’s salmon fishing trip to Pulaski, New York, where I added more than 600 miles to my truck, busted an expensive 8-weight fly reel and casted fruitlessly for three days without a landed fish to show for it, my mind has drifted back to opportunities within my home state of Pennsylvania.
            The Pulaski trip was not a complete failure. Four out of six anglers in our group landed fish- eight salmon in all- but we seemed to have arrived a little too early this year, as the big run into the river is once again expected later than usual.
            We all hooked up at least, and the excellent company helped make an otherwise uneventful weekend memorable. We saw some rookies land huge fish, which is always rewarding, while two scary situations involving anglers being swept downriver ended much better than they potentially could have when total strangers jumped in to help save the day. 
            I came home with a really cool Amish-made trapper’s basket, binge-purchased from a roadside stand in an attempt to cheer myself up from my lousy fishing performance; but if that’s the most exciting takeaway, then you know it must’ve been pretty bad.
            The hardest part about tearing oneself away for a fall destination trip is wondering if you are missing out on something better back home.
            Take for instance the multiple text messages and facebook posts of friends harvesting nice PA archery bucks while we were away slinging lines at sparse numbers of fish. Though I’m elated for their good fortune, I can’t help but wonder what passed within bow range of my empty tree stand.           
            Earlier this week, a good buddy invited me to tag along for an opening morning duck hunt on his prime backwater hotspot. As much as I would’ve loved to try for a wood duck drake with its handsome white cheek marks, iridescent hood and brilliant sunset beak, I simply couldn’t pry myself from yet another Saturday morning bow hunt.
            My career as a teacher affords limited opportunity for morning hunts, but I’ve historically experienced my best archery action shortly after sunrise on our hunting property. To me, Saturday mornings are precious, and the calendar provides but a few.
            Since the October duck season lasts only seven days, I’m hoping to squeeze in an evening waterside stakeout at some point this week before next Saturday kisses my chances at the early migrators goodbye for another year.
            With certain small game and inline antlerless seasons running this week as well, it is doubtful I’ll even pick up the muzzleloader, much less make it out for squirrels or grouse. These are challenges I typically reserve for later in the year when foliage decreases and less is going on.
            I know my bird dog Cali is anxious to put in some authentic field time, and I’m sure we’ll plan a few mid-Saturday and post-work outings once pheasants and rabbits come in on the 24th. Seeing her work the scent trails with her no-quit attitude and eager-to-please demeanor makes sacrificing a few hours in the deer stand worth it.
            When turkey season graces my hunting area on Halloween day, I will likely tuck a diaphragm call into my archery pack and pull double duty while trying to ambush a rut-crazed buck. If the fall gobblers I’ve been seeing the past few years make an appearance, I’ll try to coax them in close enough for a shot. Otherwise, they’ll have to wait until archery season closes in November.
            Of course, if all goes as planned, I will hopefully arrow a decent buck sooner than later, or maybe even an early doe to secure this year’s freezer meat, and then I can turn my attention to other activities for the complete fall experience.
            Fly-fishing for autumn trout can be exceptional, as can bass fishing amid the multi-colored foliage reflecting on a glassy lake. Simply taking a drive, a long walk or doing yard work can be rewards in themselves.
            The crisp air and vibrant colors permeating the landscape set the stage for countless opportunities to enjoy nature, and I- just as much as the next person- need not worry about what I’m missing, but instead appreciate every incredible moment I experience in the outdoors.
            Most importantly, we all need to remember that hunting, fishing and work aren’t the only things we need to balance. Like many outdoorsmen, I have a wife and small boy at home who enjoy spending time with their husband and father. We owe our families some quality time and attention too.
            October- the month made for sportsmen- abounds with opportunity. It can come and go in the blink of an eye, and it’s easy to lose oneself pursuing its many rewards. But outdoor memories are only as good as the loved ones with which one share them. Let’s not forget it.  

            Author’s note: The evening after finishing this article, the author was fortunate to harvest a beautiful 8-point buck with bow and arrow. It appears he’ll have a little extra time on his hands after all. Stay tuned for an upcoming tale of the hunt!

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!


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