A future outdoorsman is born

A future outdoorsman is born

By Tyler Frantz

            Few things can fully prepare first time parents for the miracle of childbirth. No books, classes, medical professionals or online forums can quell the emotional rollercoaster of excitement, fear, joy, pain and wonder that overcomes an expecting mother and father on the day of their first baby’s birth.  

            Like all who’ve experienced the sheer amazement of becoming a parent, Erin and I were ecstatic, yet also a bit scared, for the moment of our son’s arrival. Having never done this before, we were “going in blind,” so to speak, with no frame of reference to which we could compare the powerful range of feelings that permeated our minds and bodies during this momentous and life-changing event. 

            But after nineteen hours of induced labor, a relatively smooth early morning delivery, and two-and-a-half sleep deprived days of post-partum recovery at the hospital, we are blessed and relieved to finally be back home with our healthy little 7-pound-2-ounce, 20-and-a-half-inch bundle of joy.

            We named him Foster Ryan to honor the memory of two wonderful men from the past: the first being his great-great-grandfather, Foster Frantz, who was also born in April back in 1884; the second- his daddy’s late cousin and dear friend, Ryan Collins, who was born 100 years later, but sadly departed this world at age 18 as a result of a terrible accident that claimed his promising life far too soon.  

            Together, the names Foster and Ryan mean “little king of the forest”- a fitting and beautiful title for the son of an outdoor writer who shares his passion for game, fish and other wild things with readers every week.

            To say I am a proud father would be a complete understatement. My heart bursts with adoration just watching him slip into peaceful slumber, and I find myself smiling at his simple, innocent antics- the babbling coos, the wiggling arms and legs, and yes- even the crying fits. His dependence is our responsibility, and the tradeoff is unconditional love from all parties.

            As I hold his warm, little body in my arms, I can’t help but wonder who he will become when he grows older. My hopes are that he’ll be smart, driven, healthy and kind- respectful toward others, a talented leader, a man of faith and integrity- the type of person who has a positive influence on everyone he meets.

            Most of these qualities will be a reflection of his upbringing, and we will certainly do our best to provide everything we can for him to be happy and successful in life- no matter what his dreams may be. We’ll surely make some mistakes along the way, and so will he- but that’s all part of the process. 

            Of course, I’ll want him to love the outdoors as I do. Having grown up in a family of hunters and fishermen, I have experienced the many positive merits of living an outdoors lifestyle. Nature is a treasure, and I greatly look forward to sharing my knowledge of these things with my son.  

            Though he’s still years from his first fishing trip or squirrel hunt, the outdoor mentoring process has already begun. His nursery is adorned with red and black checked cabin plaid bedding and curtains. Figures of bears and moose accent his bookshelf and crib. He even has a baby-sized stuffed animal deer head tacked to the wall just like the buck mounts in his father’s den.  

            With patience and understanding, I will teach him to respect the land and water and all the living creatures found within their confines. I’ll carefully instruct him on the safe handling of hunting and fishing equipment, and the importance of promoting the sport and giving back in the name of conservation.

            Passing on the outdoor heritage I learned as a boy from my brother, father and grandfather will be a large portion of Foster’s childhood lessons. Time spent between father and son is important, and the outdoors will offer countless opportunities for us to strengthen our bond.  

            I look forward to teaching him how to draw a bow, cast a line and identify turkey tracks. Fly-tying, maple sugaring and the finer points of camping could be added to the syllabus too, as long as he’s interested.

            Walking quietly and sitting still in the woods may initially be a challenge, as they were for me, but in time he will learn to read wildlife sign, hone his skills and find success. Passing his hunter-safety course, harvesting his first deer and becoming a member of the Mill Run bear camp family will be proud and special occasions for both of us.

            As he grows, his abilities will eventually match, and perhaps even surpass those of my own. One day when I’m old and weary, he could be the one taking me hunting and fishing with him. In those moments, I will look back on a life well lived, knowing the torch has been properly passed to the future of the Frantz generations.

            I’ve been told before that a heart cannot fully experience the totality of love until it learns to love a child. Having been granted the incredible gift of becoming a father, I couldn’t agree more. We already cherish our little king of the forest- Foster Ryan Frantz, our future outdoorsman. 

For more great writing and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit www.naturalpursuitoutdoors.com. Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! 


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