Beaver Dams the Hidden Fishing Jewel

Beaver Dams play an important part in the environment we live in. They add to the fish habitat weather it’s in a lake setting, river or small stream.
 This particular beaver dam is a prime obstacle across the spillway in the upper Legion Lake in Montgomery County Mississippi. Any narrow stretch of fast water in a creek, river, or in this case spillway will attract beavers to set up home.
This beaver dam serves not only as a home for a beaver family, but acts as an aquatic food chain for large and small fish. The smaller fish used the dam as a refuge from the larger fish which are always on the prowl for an easy meal. This particular dam has helped to keep the “Stumpy Side” water level, which is what the locals have named the lake, up during the drier summer months. The stumpy side name is derived from the mass of trees that was in the area when it was flooded years ago. All that is left of the trees today on the lake is the actual stumps sticking above the water surface. Thanks to the beavers for keeping this part of Legion a fishing bonanza for lots of crappie, bluegill and monster largemouth?  
My brother and I actually spotted an Eagle on the Legion Lake road one day last year on our way to fish the upper lake. We felt that the eagle was not there by accident; so my brother did some exploring a couple days later and found three huge nests off the banks of the Lake. We hope the majestic birds show up again this year to replenish those nests.
These are huge nest, which got me to wondering if the eagles use the same nest year after year. After doing a little research I found they do use the same nest under certain circumstances.

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