General Assembly Ends Legislative Session With Few Positive Environmental Bills
The General Assembly formally adjourned the 2013-14 legislative session November 12 and ended a legislative year with few positive environmental bills signed into law. All bills not reaching the Governor’s desk start over on January 6 when the new General Assembly convenes. The environmental bills signed into law in 2014 included--
Anti-Stream Buffers: House Bill 1565 (Hahn-R-Northampton) that environmental groups say weakens DEP requirements for stream buffers in Special Protection Watersheds. A summary of the House Fiscal Note are available. It was signed into law as Act 162. Click Here for more background.
Anti-Stream Buffers: House Bill 1565 (Hahn-R-Northampton) that environmental groups say weakens DEP requirements for stream buffers in Special Protection Watersheds. A summary of the House Fiscal Note are available. It was signed into law as Act 162. Click Here for more background.
General Fund Budget Requiring More Drilling On DCNR Lands: House Bill 2328 (Adolph-R-Delaware), a $29 billion General Fund budget with no tax increases, but which is based on $246.5 million in transfers from special funds, $95 million in additional “non-impact” natural gas leasing in State Parks and Forests, $20 million in DCNR timber sales and $75 million from a Philadelphia casino license that may or may not happen. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. A summary and Senate Fiscal Note are available. Click Here for a copy of the line item spreadsheet. Click Here for the budget balance and transfers sheet. The bill was signed into law as Act 1A with line item veto. Click Here for more background.
Stormwater Management: Senate Bill 1255 (Erickson-R-Delaware) providing additional stormwater management options for municipal authorities was removed from the Table, referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The bill was signed into law as Act 123. Click Here for more background.
Lead Plumbing Ban Update: Senate Bill 1254 (Yudichak-D- Luzerne) amending the Plumbing System Lead Ban and Notification Act. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The bill was signed into law as Act 55. Click Here for more background.
Low-RVP Gasoline In Pittsburgh: Senate Bill 1037 (Vogel-R-Beaver) eventually eliminating the low-RVP gasoline requirement in Pittsburgh Region. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The bill was signed into law as Act 50. Click Here for more background.
Nuclear Reactor Fees: Senate Bill 1355 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) increasing nuclear reactor and nuclear fuel transportation fees. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. It was signed into law as Act 190. Click Here for more background.
Lyme Disease Task Force: Senate Bill 177 (Greenleaf-R-Montgomery) creating the Lyme Disease Task Force. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The bill was signed into law as Act 83. Click Here for more background.
Energy Efficiency Technology: House Bill 1672 (Miller-R-York) providing for testing of energy efficiency technologies. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. It was signed into law as Act 165. Click Here for more background.
Oil & Gas Royalties: House Bill 402 (Pickett-R-Bradford) further providing for the recording of oil and gas leases. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. It was signed into law as Act 152. Click Here for more background.
Oil & Gas Well Production Reporting: House Bill 2278 (Pickett-R-Bradford) requiring monthly reporting of oil and gas production from unconventional oil and gas wells. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. It was signed into law as Act 173. Click Here for more background.
Geospatial Board: Senate Bill 771 (Gordner-R-Columbia) establishing the State Geospatial Coordinating Board. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. It was signed into law as Act 178. Click Here for more background.
New DEP Aggregate Advisory Board: Senate Bill 1155 (Scarnati-R- Jefferson) creating a Aggregate Advisory Board within DEP. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The Governor signed the bill into law as Act 137. Click Here for more background.
Local Recreation Fees: House Bill 1052 (Freeman-D-Lehigh) further authorizes uses for local recreation fees. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The Governor signed the bill into law as Act 135. Click Here for more background.
Appalachian Trail License Plate: House Bill 770 (Miller-R-York) authorizing an Appalachian Trail license plate and other changes to the Vehicle Code. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The bill was signed into law as Act 23. Click Here for more background.
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