GOP Establishment Not Learning From 2008 or 2012 Defeat

The GOP establishment's political tactics caused their loss in the last two presidential elections, as well as seats in Congress. They feigned compliance with the Tea Party movement, but then when they lost, used the Tea Party as the scapegoat – not realizing that their establishment mentality and non-compliance with Republican Party traditions and political platform – not promoting constitutional law was the real reason why they lost support. The establishment backed their poster boy, Romney, instead of someone sincere and since the 1980s never changed his belief in upholding the Constitution as the framers intended. By throwing Ron Paul under the GOP bus, they also threw away a growing movement of Americans who want to see true reformation and the kind of “change” that steers the United States back to the path of a constitutional republic.
Allen West wrote an articlethat shows that the GOP, like its nemesis the DNC – refuse to see that their political mindset is faulty.
The GOP establishment is funneling $50 million to support establishment-friendly Republicans in next year's congressional elections and saying that their mantra is: No fools on our ticket; which means they have not learned their lesson nor are they listening to the conservative-constitutionalists that make up the Tea Party movement and followers of Ron Paul. Former Republican congressman, Steve LaTourette is among those fighting Tea Party instead of the DNC. 
No wonder he is a former congressman, choosing spineless moderate Republicans over constitutionalists. 

Nothing is more insane when politicians think they can keep doing the same things that doesn't provide the results expected and politicians who think they can legislate away everything from natural climate change to poverty. 
Allen West is considered the Guardian of the Republic [title of his book] and wants to see family, faith, tradition, service, honor, fiscal responsibility, courage and freedom to return to American society and thus ensure that constitutionalists are elected to operate OUR government.
In a just released article, The Blaze and FOX News released Mr. West's concern over unanswered questions about the Benghazi massacre and NY Times ignoring key figure: Hillary Clinton . 


Source: Pinterest


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