Marine Fish Food Preparation Tips

Marine fish that you have in a tank or aquarium are from a saltwater environment, such as the ocean. These fish may be herbivores or carnivores. A herbivore will eat small leafy material or algae, and a carnivore will eat meat, such as other marine fish or animals. To feed marine fish, the food needs to be prepared so the fish can easily consume it. However, you will need to obtain the food that the marine fish will eat.


Herbivorous Fish

    1 Place a section of lettuce leaf in the freezer for 3 to 4 hours. Take the section of lettuce out and allow it to thaw. This will break down the structure of the lettuce and allow the fish to easily digest it.
    2 Attach the lettuce to a clip on the side of the tank or aquarium. This will keep the lettuce submerged in the water so that it does not float around.
    3 Secure the lettuce to the bottom of the tank with a rock. Make sure that most of the lettuce sticks out for the fish to eat. Repeat this step to feed the fish twice a day.

Carnivorous Fish

    4 Flake off the skin from a freshly thawed fish with a sharp knife. Cut the skin into small pieces.
    5 Thaw the freeze-dried shrimp and then cut it into small pieces with the knife.
    6 Put a small amount of the fish skin or the freeze-dried shrimp into the tank. Use enough food for the fish in the tank. Repeat this step to feed the fish twice a day.
    7 Remove any uneaten food from the tank after 10 minutes. The fish should finish eating the food within a five-minute period.

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