Crossbow Bill Now in Wisconsin Senate Committee

The Wisconsin state Senate Natural Resources Committee has scheduled a public hearing for Assembly Bill 194, sponsored by state Representative Mary Czaja(R-35) and Senator Paul Farrow (R-33) that will allow all hunters the freedom to use a crossbow during the same hunting period of big game archery season.
The state of Wisconsin's traditions have always included hunting in their rich heritage of farming, forestry, and Great Lake maritime activities. AB 194 has already passed the state Assembly [June 6th] in an unanimous roll-call vote. The NRAasks for continued support in this endeavor.

There isn't any justifiable reason why crossbows were ever banned from hunting, except by special permit for the elderly. Experience in other states has shown that the use of crossbows for hunting helps retain and recruit hunters. In addition, experience shows that the success of a hunt does not increase with the use of a crossbow compared to a vertical bow. It is hunting skills that make the difference. The only opposition is by extremists who want to see hunting banned altogether, whether a bow, crossbow, or firearm is used.
Here is a list of those on the Senate Natural Resources Committee:
Neal Kedzie (R-11), Chairman [] (608) 266-2635.
Terry Moulton (R-23) – Vice Chairman [] (608) 266-7511.
Thomas Tiffany (R-12) [] (608) 266-2509.
Mark Miller (D-16) [] (608) 266-9170.
Robert Wirch (D-22) [] (608) 267-8979.

History of Archery and Crossbows
The bow and arrow was invented sometime at the end of the Upper Paleolithicperiod of human history.
Spears and atlatldarts were used even earlier than that dating to the Middle Paleolithicperiod. Bows replaced spear-throwing devices on all continents except Australia by indigenous people [Aborigine].
Archery became an important military and hunting skill before the invention of firearms up to the medieval period. Arrows were destructive when used against unarmored troops and mounted archers combined range, speed, and mobility. 
The Ottoman Turkcavalry archers were famous for their accuracy with their short recurvedbows. The oldest bows found thus far come from the Homegårdswamp in Denmark, where two bows were found that dated about 8,000 BC.


In North America, Native American tribes became proficient in the use of bow and arrow that arrived about 2,500 BC with the so-called Arctic small-tool tradition. The use spread south into temperate zones of North America about 2,000 BC. Archery contests were developed about 700 AD where tribes of the Southern United States would shoot a hoop rolled with a forked stick. When horses were introduced to the New Worldby the Spanish, tribesmen of the Great Plains became adept at archery on horseback. The oldest stone-point arrows found were made in Africa about 64,000 years ago.

Ancient Egyptians began taking up archery 5,000 years ago, used for hunting and warfare. Legendary archers are depicted in the ancient Egyptian tombs of Thebes, some Egyptian deities were connected to archery. 

Pharaohs hunted from chariot, as depicted in tombs.  
The Old Testamentof the Hebrew Bible describes the deadly use of bow and arrow by the Assyrians and Babylonians, as well as skilled ancient Hebrew archers. Chariot warriors relied upon bow and arrows, the Nuzi texts provide detail of bows and the number of arrows assigned to a chariot crew.
The people of Crete practiced archery, known for its unbroken tradition of archery. The Greek god Apollois the god of archery, shooting invisible arrows. Artemis, goddess of wild places and hunting was also an accomplished archer. Herakles(Heracles) or Herculesin Latin) and Odysseus were historical-mythological figures who often used a bow. Julius Caesar's armies included skilled Cretan archers and his Gaulish enemy, Vercingetorixordered a great number of Gaul archers for his army. After the fall of the western Roman Empire, the Romans were outdone by the skilled mounted archers of Hun invaders, and later Eastern Roman armies relied heavily upon mounted archery.
In Asia, the bow and arrow were popular, and South Korea remains a strong performer at Olympic archery competition today. The famous Japanese Samuraiwere skilled bowmen among their skills with various types of weaponry. Confuciuswas a teacher of archery and Lie Zi, Daoistphilosopher was a skilled archer. Detailed accounts of training methods can be found in the early history of India, where archery was part of the skills of the martial arts. Legendary historical figures like Dronaare depicted as masters of archery. The earliest archaeological evidence of a crossbow found in Asia dates to about 600-700 BC. Chinese archaeologists claim that it may have been earlier than that, but they have not yet found enough evidence. In China, the crossbow was invented during the Zhou dynasty about 700 BC, and thanks to Chin Chu, it was used to some degree in warfare that spread across Asia. The Chinese were the first to invent the repeater crossbow called Chu-ko-nu. The invention of the repeater crossbow definitely is attributed to the Chinese - the great Chinese general Sun Tzu implemented it in his army. (544-496 BC).

The English perfected the longbowand became famously deadly on the field of battle in the Middle Ages. 
Robin Hood [Robyn Hode] of English legend, depicted in books and films, was reportedly a skilled archer as well as sword, a veteran of the Crusade.  
The crossbow entered the scene [Europe] around the circa 350 BC, invented by the ancient Greeks, but not prolifically used and perfected as a hand weapon until the Medieval period as a weapon to penetrate the armor of knights. Before that, it was the ballistaethat was commonly seen on the ancient battlefield used widely by the ancient Romans. 
While not having the ability for quick reload and range like the longbow, it had its uses against armored troops. Crossbowmen were also used in counterattacks to protect infantry, and their skills and usefulness provided them high rates of pay. 
Richard Lionhearthad at least two crossbowmen in his personal guard and utilized them as three-men teams that could shoot 8 shots per minute in battle. Combined with pikemen, the crossbow was lethal against heavy cavalry attacks.
The Saracens, famous Islamic archers, called the crossbow Ferengi[Frankish bow]. The Crusaders used the crossbow against Arab and Turkoman horse archers. The Islamic armies used crossbows to defend their fortifications and castles. The footstrap crossbowbecame popular by Muslim armies in Spain.
Today, crossbows and various configurations are used for hunting and special forces operations as well as in conjunction with ropes to establish zip-lines in difficult terrain.
Crossbows are popular among preppersand survivalists because of their ability to use projectiles without gunpowder and manufactured devices – bolts and arrows are recoverable and reusable. 
Also popular against the Walking Dead.  

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