Rocky Fork Creek, Enjoying the Scenery

Tuesday we finally took the trip to Rocky Fork Creek. The creek is a rather shallow creek that can only be floated when the water level is high from rain. Creek flow is measured in cubic feet per second and in height. We were told not to try it when the creek is below 250 cubic feet per second because we would end up dragging our kayaks more than we floated. We had a window of water around 239 cfs so we took it. We aren't white water kayakers so I figured if we floated the creek below 250 that it would be ideal/safe.

There's really not a whole lot I can say about the creek. The fishing wasn't the best but you can hardly complain. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.......this might be one of the longest blogs yet.  I'll let the pictures do the explaining and put captions on them as I go. Enjoy!
Our first riffle and we see some whitewater. I'm sure she's thinking, "don't show this to my mom."
Second major riffle. Moving on.
Russ taking the same Riffle....trying to avoid a crash with the camera man.
Another riffle.....Russ getting a rough start to a swift riffle.
Rock Island
Some hidden patriotism.
Russ....."How can you even fish with a background like that?"
"Okay I see why your fishing now" New nickname.....MR. Channel Cat
Some neat water carvings.
The Rock Arch.
Upstream of the rock Arch
Amanda going into the arch.
Russ coming through the arch.
A cool cave.
"Hey!!!!!.....we came to fish."
This is probably one of my favorite pics, because I'm in it of course. Joking......maybe.
"How far do they go?"
Lots of whitewater here. 
That looks like a good spot
It was a great trip all in all. It was like visiting a national treasure and getting to fish at the same time, you cant go wrong with that. I imagine that we'll do this float several more times with family and friends, maybe next time I'll figure the fish out. 

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