Enjoying the Scenery

Every now and then we take a break from fishing and take a look at our surroundings. Sometimes fishing is so slow that watching a squirrel hunt nuts, a deer swim across a lake, a fox steal your bait, or a muskrat drag saplings to the waters edge to eat a midnight snack is much more entertaining than fishing. During these moments we sit back and enjoy our surroundings. I personally use these pictures as backgrounds for my phone and computer, almost as motivation to head out and hit the water whenever I can. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.
The first picture is of the marina at Rocky Fork Lake last winter, yes it did snow a little last winter. Its a popular spot for crappie fisherman all winter long. Its one of my favorite spots to fish when I don't feel like dragging the boat out in the cold.

The picture above is of the Ohio River in Aberdeen, Ohio. Its also one of our favorite cold weather spots. Fish congregate in the warm water discharge all year round, and is a popular spot for catfisherman who are looking for easy bait.


This picture is of Little Three Mile Creek near Aberdeen, Ohio. Its heavily shore fished, but for a good reason. During periods of high-water and or extremely cold temperature, fish congregate and feed heavily....which produces some of the best fishing of the year.

The above picture is of Ohio Brush Creek near State Route 41 South of Peebles, Ohio. This creek hosts numerous different species of fish, in fact I once caught 7 different species of gamefish in a few hours of fishing here. (Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Freshwater Drum, Channel Catfish, Sunfish, White Crappie, and Rockbass) However, its northern stretches have been noted as one of the best southern Ohio Smallmouth fisheries, and of course smallmouth are the primary focus of our fishing efforts there.

Here is another picture of Ohio Brush Creek, however this picture is of its lower stretch only a few miles from the mouth at the Ohio River. This spot we were more than certain held a good population of flathead catfish. It was a fairly deep bend absolutely loaded with structure, unfortunately they were not willing to bite for us.

Above is a picture Rylan took of the horizon from the bank of the Ohio River. This is one of Amanda's favorite pictures because of the pink clouds. This particular spot has produced several nice Blue Catfish for Amanda, so of course she would like it. Barge traffic can be heavy at times, but we have noticed a positive correlation between fish bites and barge traffic.

Here is a picture of Adams Lake located in West Union, Ohio. Here you can see a strong line of storms approaching, which unfortunately ended one of my best days of bass fishing prematurely. Adams Lake is fished very heavy during the early spring when trout are stocked, and then bank angling is limited to areas near the dam that aren't covered in vegetation. This year has turned Adams Lake into one of our favorite electric only lakes.

The final picture is of Brush Creek Island on the Ohio River with a scenic cloud pattern. The boat is positioned a half mile down stream of the island where we believe the two main channels converge. This fall it tended to hold large numbers of Trophy Freshwater Drum.

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