More rainy bass fishing

Tuesday I met up with Sean, Amanda, and Jake at a local lake to do some bass fishing. Rain was in the forecast but anymore you won't be fishing at all if you don't chance the rain. Sean and company was already on the water when I arrived, I got on the water at 4:45pm. My addiction to jigs continued as that was my primary bait of choice. Sean has been on a topwater frog kick so I knew that was what he would be doing. He started out fishing the lily pad side of the lake while I headed towards the dam side. The dam is lined with rip rap which on occasion produces good numbers with smaller baits. I worked the rocks with my jig and 30 minutes in I got my first bass, a small 10.5 inch. I continued working my way past the dam and up the lake towards Sean. Near a submerged tree I hooked into my second and best bass of the day, a 2lb 9oz at 17.5 inches. My goal for the day as with most days of largemouth fishing was to catch a kayak wars worthy bass of 16 inches so I was content.
2lb 9oz 17.5 inch Largemouth Bass
Shortly after the rain started. Looking at the sky it appeared that it would just be a brief and light shower... wrong. For two hours it rained steady. It was one of those rains that when you look up at the sky it didn't even look like it should be raining. I chose not to put on the rain gear I had with me as the rain was somewhat light at first and by the time I decided I needed it I was already pretty wet so it was too late anyway. After an hour I was soaked. I caught 3 more bass in the 10-14 inch range in the rain. About the time I met up with Sean the rain finally stopped. Sean then asked me if I thought I had numbers beat or size beat. At this point I had caught 5 with the 17.5 incher. I felt that was pretty good for numbers and size on this particular lake so I told him I wasn't sure, could be either. He then Informed me that Amanda had caught a 17.5" 2lb 14oz, Jake had caught about 30 small ones, and he had got 2 really fat 15 inchers, so I was beat in both categories. Sean was using a large frog as expected while Jake was using a small frog. I'm not sure what Amanda was using mostly but I do know that the big one came on a J&M Tackle jig. J&M Tackle is a sponsor of the Buckeye Kayak Fishing Trail and we all received J&M Tackle jigs at the Kiser Lake Classic tournament just for entering. You can check J&M Tackle Facebook page out here ->

At this point I decided to switch to a white spinnerbait. I ended up catching 3 more bass in the 10-14 inch range before we all decided to call it quits at about 9:00pm. We've never done well at this lake once it gets dark for some reason.

This weekend we planed to fish another BKFT tournament, the Dayton River Regional. Unfortunately the rivers are still too high and muddy so it has been postponed.

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